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Nailit, I can't claim to have had the courtesy to watch the one posted by “fivepointbaptist’. That really has to be scraping the barrel.
I havnt viewed that one myself yet Naomi either, (though I sat through his other hour long vids). In fact don't think I will, none of these vids have anything new to say and Theland refuses to discuss any objections raised against them anyway, so not much point.
I would love to just have a question and answer session with Theland but its impossible when you just told over and over again about the miraculous Israel prophecies and that eternal separation awaits us because we dare to SHOW that Biblical prophecies are nonsense (and as about reliable as Nostradamus)

Theland, don't get me wrong, I really like you, but your ramblings are becoming more and more like a demented street preacher who only wants to tell others that they are going to suffer an eternal torment for not believing something which we find patently absurd.
(Nice God you got there).
Until you can have a proper conversation and answer questions put to you (BTW just WHICH brand of Christianity do you belong to?) then I think that I will be bowing out of your posts from now on.
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Nailit - White flag - Any chance we might agree to post our REASONS for the views we hold, and if possible the sources on which we reference our views?
Like playing football in "No Mans Land" Christmas 19** during WW1.
Let me know when you've viewed the vids that Ive posted (they are only a few minutes long) and I might (might...) get back to you!
Its getting tedious trying to have a conversation with you when you wont reply to a question. Or when you do reply its with another question to deflect from what you have been asked. I find this a common tactic with religious people when faced with something that challenges their faith.

//Any chance we might agree to post our REASONS for the views we hold//
I (and others) have given you reasons for the views I hold until my fingers are bleeding from typing. Somehow you dont seem to see them on screen.
I think you two should meet for a coffee. :-)

I'll sit on the next table and eavesdrop.
I'd be having a pint Tilly, but love to sit next you. And listen to the waffle... so long as some kid doesn't bring along a football... i'd be gone.
If having a conversation with Theland in real life is anything like trying to have a conversation online, I wouldn't be drinking coffee or having a pint. I would be knocking back a litre of meths laced with Valium.
Get a room you two....
No thanks. I'm not that way inclined!
Ark, you can sit next to me anytime. I can do football talk...if necessary. :-)
Such a spoilsport nailit lol xx
Sorry, I seem to have turned this into CB. I'll stop now, as I know it's inane chat.
Nothing wrong with inane chat Tills, Theland's like that all the time here...
For Tilly ;-)
West 'am, Man U. :-)
What I would like to know is. Who, or what does Theland think is the "False Prophet" is in all of these "predictions"?
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Read your bibles you clever people then you will access the same stuff as me. Iranian artillery just hit Israel who responded with air strikes. And you write off bible prophecy? Cmon folks. Wake up and smell the cat litter tray.
""Read your bibles you clever people Cmon folks. Wake up and smell the cat litter tray. ""

the biblical cat litter tray?
but there are no biblical cats !
except maybe Daniel's lions
but the cat litter trays would have to be massive

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