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Miss America - Good Looks Out!

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vetuste_ennemi | 00:45 Wed 06th Jun 2018 | News
102 Answers

Good news for fat feminists everywhere: you can enter the contest and, rather than be judged on white patriarchal standards of beauty, be judged instead on "talent and brain".

Seems to me this is sending mixed messages to all the "thick" women out there.


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Some women are pretty, some are not. Some blokes are handsome, some are not. That's life, get over it and if some want to use their physical attributes to their advantage it's up to them, nothing to do with anyone else and if it gives us mere mortals pleasure to look at their beauty, so what? Everyone of us is happy, leave us all alone!
11:33 Wed 06th Jun 2018
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Probably more accurate to describe the new standards a "mixed blessing".
Whether it was right or wrong, in the old days the judges knew what they were looking for (i.e. great curves and loads of sex appeal).

The criteria of 'talent and brains' seem to me to be so vague as to be meaningless. (Should they award the title to the woman who cures cancer or to the one who's a fantastic singer-songwriter? Also, if those things are what the judges should now be looking for, why restrict the competition to women alone?)

Perhaps it's finally time to drop the whole thing?

For some reason though, I'm reminded here of a quote from George Best:
"I used to go missing a lot... Miss Canada, Miss United Kingdom, Miss World"

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You haven't forgotten "...the rest I wasted" bit, have you, Buenchico?
BTW: I suspect that I'm the only AB member who can honestly say that I've danced with the reigning Miss England!
^^^ Do you mean "I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered"?

I also like "In 1969 I gave up women and alcohol - it was the worst 20 minutes of my life".

His opinion of David Beckham was worthy of note too:
"He cannot kick with his left foot, he cannot head a ball, he cannot tackle and he doesn't score many goals. Apart from that he's all right"
talent and brains don't seem any more meaningless than "beauty".
That means this year's Miss Viz contest will have only two entrants, Shaz and Tray.
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//talent and brains don't seem any more meaningless than "beauty"//

Trenchant observation.
But, but...who will work tirelessly to cure world hunger and bring lasting peace now?
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Or "travel" and "work with children".
I vote "Best Answer" from douglas9401.
No idea what he looks like in a bathing suit.

Again, political correctness gone mad!
The contest for the most beautiful woman was like that of a painting competition. It has been said that, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So looking at a painting and knowing it has a political or religious meaning may be helpful to contextualise or date it, but if it's beauty has to be explained then the art has somewhat missed the point, for me at least. Will we next be subjected to an 'equality' for the Strongest man in the world, where contestants can pit their wit or strength of character against those who can lift the front end of a car?
Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone finds thin attractive.
Why not do away with the pageantry and just sit a written examination?
I also like the answer of douglas at 03:05....;-)
-- answer removed --
Beauty pageants are so outdated, the thing I don't like is that it is another message to young girls that life can only be wonderful if you fit a particular type.
As for saving the world, helping others , the only one you ever heard about was Wilnelia , Brucie's wife who has done a lot of good work back in her homeland and she was a miss World years ago.
More miserable people rendering the world ever less joyless. If they want competitions that are judged on something other than physical beauty, then organise competitions that do that. I’m all for diversity. ;o)
Best thing to do would be bin it completely - now that beauty has been taken out of the equation surely it just becomes a talent show open to all women, which in these oh so achingly right-on times is clearly sexist, and therefore Miss America should also be open to men as well.

I have to wrestle my face from my hands sometimes at the total and utter cack that is spouted by some people nowadays, and I save a very special loathing for those people who, no doubt, will say it's a good thing the beauty and bikini bits have been dropped as it is body shaming the ugly and the fat women among us. So bloody what - some women are fat, some women are ugly and some are both, that's life, and it's not the fault of they pretty and slim women or the people who appreciate pretty and slim women that the fat and ugly have been dealt a poor hand.
Fat doesn't mean ugly though.
I Didn't say it did.

I can only speak for myself, but I've always had a 'type' ever since I first became interested in girls - slim and auburn, so while I can see some fat girls are pretty, my next reaction is how much better they would look if they were slim. Whereas I have a friend who has always been a chubby-chaser. I think these things are hard-wired.

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