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New Testament Accuracy And Reliability.

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Theland | 22:59 Sun 08th Jul 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
49 Answers

The evidence for New Testament accuracy and reliability just keeps rolling in.

Don't you think it is worth reading?


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Well, for a start, the four main Gospels were written by men who had never met Jesus, and were just relating what they had been told. I'm afraid I like testimony from those who were actually present, not reporting hearsay
Read it several times. I'm now on a mission to read, among other things (always got several on the go at once), all of Agatha Christie's books. On the last Poirot at the moment. Poor old boy's riddled with arthritis - but his mind's still working well - and that has to be encouraging. ;o)
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Thank you for your responses.

I do hope you will at least consider the supporting evidence.

Not too much evidence knocking about to disprove it though.
Theland, stop with the random videos that no one has the time or the inclination to watch. A short synopsis of what you can prove will suffice.

I'll be back tomorrow for your proof of whatever it is you can prove .... if you post it. Night night.
I thought the bible was the word of god. If it is, why do you need thousands of manuscripts to prove it, is your faith, on its own, no longer strong enough?
Evidence ... from a YouTube video? Right.
I prefer the guys that build those perpetual-motion machines.
I've seen them work.
^ No The BIble has never been claimed to be 'The Word of God' it has always been reports, history & stories. You are thinking of the Quran . That is purported to be the exact words of Allah dictated to Muhammad via the Angel Gabriel.
(if you really want to annoy a Muslim cleric,ask him how they can be CERTAIN that the only time Satan was able to successfully impersonate Allah, was when Muhammad was fooled into writing the 'Satanic Verses' ) I have never found one who can come up with an answer.
"The scriptures: we believe the Bible to be the verbally inspired word of God without error in the original writings, and the supreme and final authority in doctrine and practice".
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One day we all die and then can you be so certain you are off the hook?
Good luck with that!
Would you take pleasure from the fact that sceptics will die and then discover that they are not "off the hook"?

What, I ask myself, might being "on the hook" mean for sceptics like me?

I would like more detail, Theland.

Was it Tertullian who said that heaven might become boring after a while, but there will always be the pleasure of watching the damned tortured in Hell?

-- answer removed --
Conversely, Birdie, neither of us would take the least pleasure in eternal suffering.

Funny idea of a moral God.
as in heaven so on earth
Ah Pascal's Wager then.
Hope you bet on the right God then Theland.
// The scriptures: we believe the Bible to be the verbally inspired word of God without error in the original writings,//
erm no that's not my lot ....
there are even people who believe inerrancy took a 1500 year rest and popped up again for the King James Version - erm 1600 rest, bit of errancy creeping in there

// Well, for a start, the four main Gospels were written by men who had never met Jesus//

erm you have forgotten St Jooooooohn !

The other three didnt I concur -

and such people feel qualified to pontificate about the accuracy of the NT text. Other experts give opinions about the Quran
God help us all.....
so are ALL bibles considered to be without error? What about the breeches bible and the vinegar bible?
// so are ALL bibles considered to be without error? What about the breeches bible and the vinegar bible?//

and the nardy bible - Thou shalt commit adultery
Printer ears cut off and nose split as his plea of 'I didernt, it was a mistake honest!" was NOT accepted

erm didnt I mention a 1600 y gap in inerrancy
which answers the question ( as "no" for slow readers)
//The other three didnt I concur//

St Matthew?

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