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Atheism Cannot Answer The Big Questions.

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Theland | 02:28 Fri 14th Sep 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
89 Answers
Too often when discussing origins, atheists simply say, "we don't know," and put FAITH in science that one day the answers will come.
But atheism is synonymous with evolution, for which there is not a single shred of evidence.
All it is, is a wonderful successful marketing achievement convincing masses of people that inert chemicals sprang into life, and then from the microbial slime, evolution produced mankind.
What drivel.
If you believe this rubbish, it is because YOU have never taken the time or trouble to study the evidence for and against.
It really is shocking.
Is it not time you thought for yourself?


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"Atheism Cannot Answer The Big Questions." Atheism doesn't really answer any questions regarding the human condition;
22:42 Mon 17th Sep 2018
Theland means well, I am sure he believes we would be happier, better people with his God in our lives. Some Christians believe they have a duty to evangelize. It does no harm and has probably lead many to the atheist cause
Atheism is not synonymous with evolution. One can believe in a deity and in evolution both.

There's overwhelming evidence of evolution, from Darwin's finches to antibiotic resistance.
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Darwins finches started and stopped with.... erm.....finches.
Viruses and bacteria mutate to form....erm....viruses and bacteria.
Those are not examples or proof of evolution.
They are indeed. The finches proved divergence, which is evolution. And were they isolated from each other they'd have collected different mutations until they could no longer cross breed thus creating different animals/species. Likewise the bacteria. You are simply denying evidence.
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Sorry mate. Not convinced. No examples of cross speciation.
That last question of yours should be applied to you and yours of any dubious faith. You DONT think for yourself do you? You are doing what you are told....what you read but cannot confirm! Belief per se is NOT a is simply that....a belief. As for atheists....I think they prefer to look at the whole picture and not judge anything by a 'belief' or what they are told is real. It's about being a realist.... Judging and analysing the information.

All you ever do is post on here to provoke people. If you believe so much in things all religious...why bother posting because you have made your mind up and have shut the gates to having a discussion or debate!
(If you believe this rubbish, it is because YOU have never taken the time or trouble to study the evidence for and against.)
I am not sure why it matters? Could god not have used evolution as a tool?
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Wolfgang - yes He could have, but regardless of God, I am not convinced by evolution.
All I see is evidence for an evolution within a species, not from one to the other.
Theland, you begin with this statement.
" But atheism is synonymous with evolution, for which there is not a single shred of evidence. "
And at 23:28.
" All I see is evidence for an evolution within a species, not from one to the other. "
So you do accept evolution in at least one form but yet state there is not a single shred of evidence. confused or what?
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Every species can change into other varieties, but still the same species.
I have not seen convincing evidence for otherwise.
Theland - // Is it not time you thought for yourself? //

I do - which is why I don't need to do what you do - frequently come on here and moan that people don't think the way I do because they are too stupid and / or ignorant.

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I most certainly do not consider and ABer to be stupid or ignorant.
Far from it.
I hold them all in high regard, even if at times I have used a word, phrase or tone that might suggest otherwise, but all have my respect.
Theland - If we have your respect, then please refer back to my response when you asked about people's view about you, and I advised that intelligent people do not appreciate being talked down to, and do not appreciate being preached at.

You said you were taking these view on board - but this OP suggests that nothing has really changed.
Theland - as a reminder -

Theland - // I ask this as often I have felt like I am targeted for my beliefs, not simply in a way that is constructively critical, but motivated by self promotion and pure pleasure of the fabulous, "put down." //

I have said many many times on this site, and many many times to you personally Theland, that my issue with Christianity, is Christians.

It's the way in which Christians address non-Christians in that rather patronising superior way that implies that they have something that I don't have, but need, and they are a better person for having their belief, and I am a poorer person for not sharing their faith.

I have to say Theland, that in your posts on here, you come across as a twenty-four carat exponent of that way of behaving, and unsurprisingly, it receives a hostile response.

Intelligent people do not respond well to being talked down to, whatever the subject. Add to that your wilful and persistent refusal to engage properly in debate with people who question what you say, and you start to see why you receive the responses that you do.

You cannot on the one hand say "I have the answers, and here they are ..." and expect everyone to agree with you, and not challenge what you say.

If your faith commands you to share 'The Word', then fine, but you can't then go all thin-skinned and hurt when other people simply don't believe what you say.

If you dial down the patronising, and increase the interaction, you will have a far more pleasurable experience debating on here.
11:00 Sat 15th Sep 2018
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I shall take that on board. Thank you.
// I am not sure why it matters? Could god not have used evolution as a tool?//
no because that means that evolution is 'directed'

even Theland accepts that Darwin's finches show change
and also mutation in bacteria - it is just a question of how much - or how important it is

and that is a good start

byt he way people who 'dont kn ow' are usually called agnostics and not atheists - sorry to pick
// All I see is evidence for an evolution within a species, not from one to the other. " //

yeah well spotted vulco I spotted that later

perhaps it is a sign from God pointing to evolution - -
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I accept variation within a species. But species to species?
I have not come across any convincing evidence for that.
Theland - // I have not come across any convincing evidence for that. //

You haven't come across any convincing evidence that God exists either, but you still believe it - so why is it such a stretch to believe in evolution?
Where is your hard evidence Theland that God made the World in 6 days. Hard evidence note, not hearsay.

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