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Atheism Cannot Answer The Big Questions.

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Theland | 02:28 Fri 14th Sep 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
89 Answers
Too often when discussing origins, atheists simply say, "we don't know," and put FAITH in science that one day the answers will come.
But atheism is synonymous with evolution, for which there is not a single shred of evidence.
All it is, is a wonderful successful marketing achievement convincing masses of people that inert chemicals sprang into life, and then from the microbial slime, evolution produced mankind.
What drivel.
If you believe this rubbish, it is because YOU have never taken the time or trouble to study the evidence for and against.
It really is shocking.
Is it not time you thought for yourself?


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"Atheism Cannot Answer The Big Questions." Atheism doesn't really answer any questions regarding the human condition;
22:42 Mon 17th Sep 2018
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I often get accused of not answering questions but I also fall foul if I present video evidence for what I believe and why I think the bible is true.
This video embraces scientific discoveries to underpin theistic belief. Only about thirty minutes and well worth watching.
You want hard evidence for the simplest explanation of what we know, then you need to study the fossil records. Ultimately though, knowledge is about coming up with conjectures and then accepting the most likely of those that don't prove false to be the truth. Hardly wooly.
like I said, completely radio!
O.G. //knowledge is about coming up with conjectures and then accepting the most likely of those that don't prove false to be the truth.//

"The truth"! - not really; the fact is that one cannot actually prove anything to be true one consequence of karl Popper's work with 'falsifiability' is the understanding that you never really prove a theory to be 'true'. What scientists do is instead come up with implications of the theory, make hypotheses based on those implications, and then try to prove that specific hypothesis true or false through either experiment or careful observation. If the experiment or observation matches the prediction of the hypothesis, the scientist has gained support for the hypothesis (and therefore the underlying theory), but has not proven it. It's always possible that there's another explanation for the result.
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OG - I personally have not studied fossil records, but have listened to many lectures from scientists who have.
The supporters of evolution invariably, "assume," something to fill in the gaps. Dawkins is a prime example of this.
He even goes so far as speculate on a multiverse for which there is no evidence, and indeed does fall into the same category as unicorns and fairies.
The sad truth is that evolution has now gained such respectability that any scientist questioning it runs the risk of being ostracised by his peers.
....where as the Earth and the heavens being created in 6 days has no such problems! PMSL - MAABOF!
I have taken the time to assess all the current evidence and have come to the only valid conclusion, there is no divine god, but if you want to believe then that is your prerogative, allow me to make up my own mind.
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Yes everybody should make up their own minds.
I am not preaching to or at you.

TTT So how long should it have taken? I suppose building regulations might slow things down a bit eh?
Theland, //The supporters of evolution invariably, "assume," something to fill in the gaps. Dawkins is a prime example of this.
He even goes so far as speculate on a multiverse for which there is no evidence, and indeed does fall into the same category as unicorns and fairies.//

Dawkins ‘assumes’ nothing and speculation doesn’t equate to assumption. Dawkins speculates on a multiverse as do many people, me included. Without curiosity science would be a whole lot poorer.

Khandro,// Atheism doesn't really answer any questions regarding the human condition;//

Atheism neither claims nor attempts to answer the big questions. Atheism isn't a club, like Christianity or Islam, where all members adhere to the same belief system. There is no 'belief' involved. Quite the reverse. Atheism is an absence of belief. Nothing more.
"TTT So how long should it have taken? " - stop it! I'm hurting here!
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Atheism or agnosticism?
Surely atheism is 100% sure there is no God?
Agnostics don't rule out the idea.
Is that a fair appraisal?
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TTT - With you in charge of the building site it might have been done in only three!
Atheism is an absence of belief. Should verifiable evidence of the existence of a supernatural god ever surface, intelligent atheists - including Richard Dawkins - would accept it.
TTT //....where as the Earth and the heavens being created in 6 days has no such problems! PMSL - MAABOF!//

You know what? - It could be a mataphor, it just might not be literally true, - whaddya say abou dat?
To clarify; a metaphor is a figure of speech that, for rhetorical effect, directly refers to one thing by mentioning another ["days"?]. It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two ideas. Antithesis, hyperbole, metonymy and simile are all types of metaphor.
naomi; //intelligent atheists - including Richard Dawkins - would accept it.//
Like hell he would! - being a professional atheist has made him a millionaire.
Khandro, don't be daft. Presented with proper evidence of course he would accept it.... and he'd still have his money. ;o)
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Dawkins not getting any younger.
He needs to be cautious.
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Why? Because one day he might find himself stood before the God he rejects to give account of himself.
Khandro // It could be a mataphor, it just might not be literally true, - whaddya say abou dat? //

Yes, and God is a metaphor for, "We have no idea who we got here.".

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