I don't consider anything 'forbidden' I guess is the answer because some bloke who has been dead for thousands of years decided it was a good way of keeping lots of people in check. My father believes that there is nothing in the entire universe any stronger or weaker than himself under the right circumstances and acts on that ritually, he taught me the same thing, but I disagree somewhat so I am unsuited to Kaos Magick. I use sex magick a lot, and I meditate, observe the Sabbats to keep me in perspective, but also keep Shabbat now and again because I like the sense of ritual and that that has been passed down through my family for centuries, it brings me and my partner closer together too despite him not being Jewish because that's the line extending forwards, so for me heathen beliefs can encompass my heritage and move forward too perhaps to something else, so it's almost a form of immortality. I feel like a very small grain of sand on a very vast beach but in some form or another I will always be there. I've not explained that very well, because its slightly intangible even to me, but hope you get my drift x