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God Is Or Is Not.

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Theland | 18:07 Sun 04th Aug 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
161 Answers
If God IS, then all of our big questions about origins, are answered.
If God IS NOT, then the alternative is purely materialistic.
What do you say?
Obviously there are atheists who believe the latter. So please guide me to the evidence for a purely materialistic origin, beginning of life, and evolution.
Please feel free to guide me towards any YouTube videos where atheistic experts can convince me that a purely materialistic scenario is the only option.
I am eager to understand the atheist mindset.


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Theland, if you could provide chapter and verse in answer to nailit’s questions there is no way you would miss the opportunity. Your time isn’t so valuable that it prevents you posting irrelevant videos.
I haven't read the whole thread... but atheism isn't a belief and an answer in itself. You can rule out obvious non-reasons with anything... without knowing for definite the right answer. It is just common sense.
//Theland, if you could provide chapter and verse in answer to nailit’s questions there is no way you would miss the opportunity//

I find it odd that I try and discuss the Bible (using the Bible) but get a you tube vid recommendation instead?
Ive had similar in the past when having a friendly discussion with JW's or (even friends of a religious persusation) to read such and such a book etc. WHY? Don't you know your own Bible well enough to discuss it with me without resorting to someone else's interpretation?
Some months ago I bumped into an old friend in town who was hanging around a group of street evangelists. Stood just chatting about nothing in particular when one of the 'street evangelists' approached me and tried to give me a religious tract. I asked her if she had ever read the Bible...all of it...she said that she hadn't. I asked how then could she believe something that she hadn't even read?
She just walked off and tried to hand a tract to some other bloke.
I found it all so disconcerting, it really made me want to cry for such people.
A ready made faith/belief system.
Doesnt matter if you've questioned it or not, or really looked into it first. Just have faith. (in you tube and books)
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There you go again! Criticism bordering on mocking.
So read it cover to cover and you will understand it?
Theland, if you are willing to claim to live by it, it makes sense to assume you know it xx
//There you go again! Criticism bordering on mocking.
So read it cover to cover and you will understand it?

Youre quiet correct Theland!

I now accept (and believe in) L Ron Hubbards Dianetics.
Never read it but seen some awesome you tube vids (and read a few books promoting it) and now am a full believer in Scientology)
Thanks ;-)

(or is there something that Ive missed here?)
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Why the sarcasm?
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Pixie - I know enough to gat me by and learn more every day. Does that satisfy you?
Theland, for once on AB get a flaming grip!
Dish it out but goes crying when its returned.
Why the sarcasm indeed...

You ever wonder why you always get called a victim?
Chew on it. Its getting weary now.
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When have I dished out sarcasm to you?
I have been sat with a doctor who has had to consult a big medical book to check if prescribing drugs doesn't clash with other medication.

I have sat in a court room while a judge consults a white book.

The point being that it is impossible and unrealistic to know everything in a weighty tome! ;-)
//When have I dished out sarcasm to you?//
Oh the irony.
You are the wag aint you Theland?
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Goodnight Nailit. I am off to YouTube to listen to lectures by leading atheist scientists and Christian evangelists.
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agchristie - Nailit never tires of telling me how he has read the entire Bible, and I have not.
I don't doubt him, but find it astonishing that he appears not to have understood any of it, and uses what little knowledge of it that he has, only to throw sarcastic comments at me.
But I think he is a tormented soul, otherwise, as an atheist, he would be posting about some sport or other, anything in fact rather than religious affairs.
Very puzzling.
Theland, the thing is, anyone if they were inclined to do so, could read the entire bible.

It is an individual's interpretation of the text that counts and how much value is put on what is learnt.

Some folk's faith is so strong and unshakeable that it hardly matters if their belief is at odds with the reality.

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agchristie - every day I spend considerable time studying scripture and its implication in the light of contemporary events.
It is tome consuming but very rewarding and has so far prevented me from reading the whole Bible and therefore joining the hallowed ranks of which Nailit never tires of telling me.
Oh must do better to keep him happy.
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.... time consuming .....
Theland //every day I spend considerable time studying scripture and its implication in the light of contemporary events. //

That pursuit is quite some undertaking! I cannot imagine the time that it takes.

How exactly does the scripture translate into current affairs?

Can you provide some examples that can be reconciled to anything, anywhere in the 21st Century?
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agchristie - Yes of course. There are many.
20th century, the birth of the Stste of Israel.
That is a culmination of many prophecies dating back to 72AD.
The history of the Jews was pre written in bible prophecy for those with an open mind to consider it.
Did you not see the Israel video I posted, and for which I was told off by other ABers?
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agchristie - This is the video. Approach it prayerfully with an open mind.

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