Well but if you keep posting the same kinds of question....also I get the strong impression that you are seeking to change the views of others without yourself being open to change?
Theland - if you have a strong faith which you appear to have - I wonder why you keep seeking to have your views validated on here by other people.
You have an idea of the answers you'll get so no wonder it makes you sad. Best wishes.
My opinion is that you ask your questions with a mental list of the answers you want. Polite responses from ABers get shrugged off with comments such as 'how does that make you feel, do you think you're valuable?'. I think that is sadder than you being 'shut down'.
I've some sympathy but it's to be expected. You rarely answer points made but either/and/or dismiss them, link to videos to say your piece for you. That's not a debate.
Some of those comments don't look very friendly... but I agree that videos are pointless here. We are not at school and if there is a point you want to make, explain it yourself. I often find it hard to get a straight answer from you, as you disappear and start again another day.
However, don't take it too seriously here... it is just a site xx
My opinion is that if a user feels the need to add any of the comments you have listed in your OP to your thread, without contributing a reply to the question you pose, then they have far greater problems than you Theland. If one finds the subject of a thread boring then don't take part, turn the page so to speak. There is nothing more ignorant and boring than someone contributing 'Boring', Yawn' or similar to a thread.
If you want to be taken more seriously:
a) Actually answer peoples questions
b) Quote less scripture (especially as a tangential answer to someones question)
c) Don't insult people
d) Realise you're on a loser to start with.
^^^^Then don't read the blinking thread! Are you all that bored that you read every thread just to deride the subject of the thread or the person starting it? Think about it.