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Khandro | 18:25 Sat 14th Dec 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
378 Answers
With Brexit out of the way (?!) can we now turn to more momentous issues? I refer to those posed by St Augustine in reference to Creation; Who made it? By what means? & Why?


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Theland, //There is evidence//

Nothing you've offered so far constitutes 'evidence'. If you have evidence produce it.
*Waits for Israel prophecy*
Doesn't work. Next!
Pixie - Read Naomi's post above.
It supports what I previously wrote.
(Despite that it doesn't exist as a specific prophecy)
And Nailits.
Only if you have no evidence, Theland...
Theland, //Read Naomi's post above.
It supports what I previously wrote. //

You previously wrote:

//My evidence gets attacked and I get ridiculed the moment I post it. //

Stop with the victimhood. No ridicule of attack from me. I've simply asked you to produce your evidence.
I guess it is the same thing when there isn't any ...
Give me just ONE verse out of thousands that *specifically* refers to the modern day.
Just where in the Bible does it mention Brexit or the internet?
Just where does it reference the USA or terrorism, where does it prophecy Islam or the EU?

It doesn't. What believers do is make vague prophecies fit the current climate.
To be fair, I think there are far more religious people on AB, than just theland... apparently, equally unwilling and unable to answer any questions. Religion...
In an effort to avoid yet another trip around the houses and sticking to the question, why don't Theland and Khandro just tell us why this creator is who they think he is? Rationalise it.

Personally I think it was some enormous 12 year old enjoying playing a gigantic version of Minecraft. That answers the 'Who?' 'How?', and 'Why?'

If I'm wrong, tell me why.
Question Author
Smashing, two millennia old questions aren't they? & the best we get from our resident AB metaphysicists is, 'who cares?' & 'he's a fruit cake'. :0)

Is that as far as you read?
Imponderable questions as the answers raise more questions exponentially. The universe is one big thought, but who thought it? Aye, there’s the rub.
One useful approach is elimination.
Eliminate everything that has been claimed to be the source of the universe. What's left?
Atheists like Nailit and Naomi are more interested in ridicule and name calling - "victimhood," etc.
I wonder why if they have no interest, why post on here anyway?
Nope. Questions like this make me nostalgic for Brexit banter.
They are impossible questions to answer and in truth I never try - I am just glad to have my allotted blink of eye of existence on this planet and have enjoyed and still am at all the wonders there are.

I would never try to persuade another that what they believe is wrong as I can't prove so and it doesn't hurt me anyway.
Mamya - I am not trying to convince anybody they are wrong, and to follow my beliefs.
I simply state my opinions.
If those who disagree with me, simply refrain from ridicule and abuse, then that would be great.
You have misunderstood me - you believe and I will not tell you that you are wrong.

I am happy to state - I do not know.

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