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End Tkmes Prophecies.

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Theland | 05:01 Sun 29th Dec 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
246 Answers

An hour long video, but even atheists might feel it interesting and entertaining, and Km sure fellow Christians certainly will.
Just watching the news confirms it all for me.


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Does to-day's Israel match the Bible's Land of Israel?
Douglas Murray does have a point.

All over the net there are threads like these which put me in mind of what Hell would be like if it exists.
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Corbyloon - Not yet, it is smaller, but they have Jerusalem, "A cup of trembling."
But prophecy is still unfolding.
Events there are dynamic. Watch the news.
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Mamya - Indeed. It is not easy to stand away from the crowd and speak up for what you believe in.
We see it all the time. Look at the audience on Question Time for example, applauding with their hands thrust out so everybody can see them.
Answerbank is a classic example.
Those who put their head in the sand, or else fear crossing the more vocal mob.
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Nailit - I have just very carefully read Ezekiel 37 yet again.
It is so obvious that its conclusion is that ALL Israel will be regathered.
\\ Question AuthorNailit - I have just very carefully read Ezekiel 37 yet again.
It is so obvious that its conclusion is that ALL Israel will be regathered.//
Theland, it is "obvious" to you because it's what you want to believe, do you not understand that?
As usual, when you're asked a question you cannot answer, you resort to attacking the intelligence of the questioner.  Naomi has now asked you a much easier question, so perhaps you will tell us who these serious scholars are. 
Question Author
Ravi Zacharias, James Jacob Prasch, Gary Habermas, William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Frank Turek, and many more.
Why? Can't you find them yourself?
Theland, I asked if your scholars were people honest enough to examine the texts without pre-existing notions. They’re not. This hooked from the internet. Not one impartial, not one objective. All have a religious agenda.

Ravi Zacharias is an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist. A defender of evangelical Protestantism.

James Jacob Prasch is Director of Moriel Ministries, an international multi-faceted ministry of Jewish and non-Jewish regenerate believers one in Jesus the Messiah committed to the evangelization. Its website includes instructions for making financial donations.

Gary Robert Habermas is an American historian, New Testament scholar, philosopher of religion, and Christian apologist who frequently writes and lectures on the resurrection of Jesus.

William Lane Craig is an American analytic philosopher and Christian theologian, historian, and apologist. He established and runs the online apologetics ministry

John Lennox obtained Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees at the University of Cambridge. He teaches science and religion and lectures on mathematics, apologetics, and the exposition of scripture. He is a Senior Fellow of The Trinity Forum, a Christian nonprofit that develops leaders to make contributions to cultural renewal.
//Nailit - I have just very carefully read Ezekiel 37 yet again.
It is so obvious that its conclusion is that ALL Israel will be regathered.//

Yes, that's the point that you are failing to see....
Ezekiel's prophecy is indeed that ALL Israel will be regathered...not just the tribe of Judah (the Jews).
So where are the other tribes in Israel?
The tribes of Asher, Dan, Ephraim, Gad, Issachar, Manasseh, Naphtali, Reuben, etc?
Since these tribes assimilated into other cultures and are now lost to history they are never going to fulfil Ezekiel's prophecy and return to Israel.
Ezekiel 37, far from been a fulfilled prophecy has turned out to be a failed prophecy.

And please explain how Jesus is a descendant of David if he was born of a virgin as per my previous question to you re: king David ruling over modern Israel.

Question Author
Jesus is descended from David.
That is something, if you are really really interested, research yourself.
But in order to satisfy your desire for these facts, please don't ask me to do the work for you.

Naomi - Why do you think the names above are Christian apologists? Do you think maybe they believe in the truth?
Question Author
Nailit - You have told me so often how you have read the bible cover to cover.
Jesus, son of David.
Did you miss Matthew 1:1-25?
If Matthew and Luke can't agree who Joseph's father was, how can you be certain about previous ancestors?
Question Author
Corbyloon - Well spotted. But not a mystery. You can research this yourself.
You're the one who should be explaining the discrepancy since you're the one who relies upon the accuracy of the Bible, not me.
Question Author
Corbyloon - Fair enough. But I am totally disinterested in doing the work for you.
Your post is either a trip wire, or trivia. Either way, count me out.
Did Jesus have brothers and sisters? There seems to be disagreement about that one too.

If there is confusion about something as basic and mundane as His immediate family, who is to say anything else about Him is correct?
Question Author
Your endless questions are easily answered by reading the bible.
‘Research it yourself’ ……What a fraud you are, Theland.
Question Author
Ah yes, right on cue with the name calling.
// Theland, I asked if your scholars were people honest enough to examine the texts without pre-existing notions.//

no observations in science are context free

I thought extraneous data collected in a trial would be 'truer' than that which they concentrated on. So if height was not a variable then any records of height would be 'truer' because they wouldnt have observer bias.

and the answer is - - much greater observer variation as it is unimportant, ,much less care is taken in recording it - oops !
no such thing as a context free observation

ho hum ....

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