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Could The Virus Lead To A Spiritual Revival?

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Khandro | 09:07 Sat 11th Apr 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
138 Answers
'Something is stirring in the souls of millions presently under lockdown. The number of people searching for the word ‘prayer’ on Google ‘skyrocketed’ last month, doubling with every 80,000 new registered cases of coronavirus, according to a University of Copenhagen study. A Pew poll found that 55 per cent of Americans have prayed for an end to the pandemic. And no, it’s not only the Bible Belt: researchers reported that 15 per cent of those who ‘seldom or never pray’ and 24 per cent of those who do not belong to any religion have prayed about the virus.'

Have you prayed - even in the simplest of terms - for someone's health?


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Theland. I just wicki'd and found this brief description.
"Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, between substance and attribute, and between potentiality and actuality."
So it's a bit of philosophy, not a dimension. I presume that it might decide that there is no spirituality, but I doubt if there'd be agreement among metaphysicians, because there is nothing to base their conclusions on other than the results of their sitting and thinking.
Well, that thread didn't stay on track for long. Shame really. It's a good question.
N; I hate to think what sort of spiritual revival. I'm surprised we haven't had more of 'god's punishment for sin'. I'm pleased about it. But I'm sure it's bubbling under in the states.
Naomi, I have not derailed the thread, I simply questioned an assumption from Atheist.
My apologies if you think I have diverted it.
I agree a good question.
I am reluctant to say any more because as you know, it invites some to call me delusional, or preaching.
And no, I am not claiming victimhood.
Theland, your name wasn't mentioned.
Those who have prayed, I wonder to whom they imagine they are praying? Is it the same deity, albeit with lots of different name? Or is there one god for the Christians, another for the Jews, yet another for the Muslims, several for the Hindus etc? I wonder if they all get together in a weekly meeting to decide which prayers to answer.

Prayer is one of those things which can never lose. If someone prays for something and it happens, the prayer was answered! It's a miracle. But if it doesn't happen, then it was god's will for it not to happen anyway, and it's not for us mere mortals to know the will of god.

It truly is a pile of bilhooks. It's turtles all the way down.
//Why are so many scientists religious?//
Got any stats for that claim?

To answer the question
//Have you prayed - even in the simplest of terms - for someone's health?//
I have, They died!
Like I inferred,, prayer is not Aladdin's lamp, wishes granted etc
//Like I inferred,, prayer is not Aladdin's lamp, wishes granted etc//
So what is prayer?
You are the expert.
//You are the expert//

Im asking.
What is prayer?
In answer to the OP, it's going to be difficult with all places of worship being closed. Or are you suggesting religious "Speakeasies"? Now there's a thought!
Communion with God, through the power and will of the Holy Spirit.
I have prayed for someones health, but not to someone called god. Prayers don't have to be to god, do they?
//Communion with God, through the power and will of the Holy Spirit//
Well, thats cleared that one up then....
So lets ignore all the verses that say that whatsoever is asked in prayer are answered?
Do whatever makes you happy
//Do whatever makes you happy//
Is that a Biblical command ;-)
Always look on the bright side of life! That was in Life of Brian, in the Holy Land.
No, that's me refusing to be drawn into another game of ping pong.
No, your prayers don't need to be directed at a god of any sort, direct them where you wish - the ether,the clouds or the stars.

They are a thought of hope, often for someone suffering.

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