Would You Say God Is To Blame For All in The AnswerBank: Religion & Spirituality
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Would You Say God Is To Blame For All

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locusts | 08:02 Fri 05th Jun 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
159 Answers
Would you say GOD is to blame for all he suffering in the word to day . And if you do {AND WHY }
THE bibles answer to this question ? ? 2 Corinthias 11. 14 Ezekiel 28. 13,15
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Locusts. I haven’t jumped about anywhere. I’ve stuck to your question.

Now, here’s something you might like to consider. If Satan created evil, as you claim, then logically God cannot be the sole entity capable of creation.

Theland, stop shooting the messenger, there’s a good chap. You’re leading Locusts astray.
I am not shooting the messenger, but it is worth noting that atheists have a naturalistic worldview, which of course includes the science.
I want to follow the science wherever it leads, and am prepared to use it to reference my views.
On the other hand, the atheists assert their views but rarely reference any science to back up their views.
The latest scientific research does not exclude a Creator, and apart from high sounding assertions, the atheists offer nothing.
No because he doesn’t exist
Theland - // … and apart from high sounding assertions, the atheists offer nothing. //

I don't know how many times I have to post this before it actually sinks in -

Atheists don't offer 'high sounding assertions' - they don't actually 'offer' anything.

As an atheist, I have no belief, and therefore nothing to justify or to defend.

I honestly and absolutely don't care if you share my view, and I have no time or interest in trying to persuade you to it - and I am sure that the majority of atheists feel exactly the same way.

Fervent Christians have the short straw - living every day with evidence that their 'loving God' is anything but, and saddled with an urgent need to make others see as they do, so they can feel better about themselves.
12:10 no because he doesn't exist. (MartinMillar)
12:12 Exactly. (Theland)
An epiphany moment?
Follow the science maybe AH ?
Follow the truth.
Theland - // Follow the science maybe AH ?
Follow the truth. //

Neither of us knows 'the truth', but only one of us is bothered by that.

You don't get it do you?

I am not interested because I don't care.

and once more …

I am not interested because I don't care.
Theland, my answers to the OP have nothing to do with ‘atheism’ - which incidentally is not a 'club' - or with any particular world view. I read the texts and draw, as far as is possible, rational conclusions, which is all I have done here. Another example is God’s alleged infallibility but if you read the account of the flood, he confessed to having made an enormous mistake and therefore cannot have been infallible. And actually, his attempt to rectify that mistake failed too - so infallible? Not even the second time around. It’s just plain old logic. That’s all.
Then don't post.
Theland - // Then don't post. //

That's not your call, and you know it.
Locusts, Theland. You, and others constantly tell us that your God didn't create evil, it was created by man. You also tell us God created the perfect man as well as the perfect world we live in. However just to be sure God decided to test these, now two, perfect creations, which they failed. This begs the question why did God create perfection, and after testing found it wasn't and continued to produce imperfect copies?
So, what was the reason that God created and allowed to flourish, flawed human beings with brains capable of creating evil, he must have known they would create it?
The God hypothesis is supported by science.
Dawkins said the universe is blind indifference, no good, no evil.
I recognise evil even of Dawkins does not.
Paodophilia? Holocaust? To name but two.
He also says that nature gives us complicated structures that give the APPEARANCE of having been designed. Really?
AH you make no sense and offer nothing sensible.
Vulcan - Are you a serious sceptic, or just another atheist who enjoys throwing mud at be!levers?
Why not start from first principles, and decide on the answers to the big questions?
Theland, it's not that I make no sense, it's that I actually offer perfect sense, you just can't bear someone being happy not bothering with your endless pointless questions.
//I recognise evil even of Dawkins does not.
..... Holocaust?//

But you told me not so long ago that the Holocaust was all part of God's plan to return the Jews to Israel, Theland. Evil?

I see Vulcan's question, along with my previous response haven't been addressed.
I've no intention of answering your silly questions designed only to pour scorn on believers.
Just enjoy your atheism until maybe one day you make a serious enquiry.
In the meantime enjoy your mutual admiration club.
No. Mankind is responsible but won’t face that unpalatable truth.
And your reference for that assertion is what?
Your own expertise based on what?
Are you seriously seeking God or are you just another voice with a bullhorn?
Theland, the questions aren't silly. They're questions that any rational person seeking the truth would ask.

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