French Have No Backbone/No Sense Of Humour.? in The AnswerBank: Religion & Spirituality
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French Have No Backbone/No Sense Of Humour.?

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Atheist | 19:06 Fri 04th Sep 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
123 Answers
I've heard such comments. I'm reading Verdun 1916, and I live part-time in a French village. It seems to me that they have both. They certainly have a sense of humour, although people who don't understand French wouldn't know that. They certainly have backbone; we weren't occupied by an invading army and they were. How would the English have got on if Churchill and Dad's Army had failed? The spivs and right-wing profiteers would have had a field day.
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"qui ne comprennent francais." qui ne comprennent pas le français.
19:30 Fri 04th Sep 2020
Bonnet de douche!
What hints at Atheist not like the U.K. Margie?
Bonnet de douche? Tu as besoin d’un bain, sale garçon?
His comment at 20:20 where he hinted we'd feel 'superior' - don't really get that !
TTT Le chat est sur la chaise, le souris est sur la table et le singe est sur la branche......selon M. Izzard :-)
Ah, I guess it's how familiar you are with Henning Wehn. He tends to play on his "foreigner in Britain" persona a lot, and as a result there's a fair bit of pathos goes alongside that. I don't thing "feeling superior" is an anti British dig, more just and observation of the Wehn's brand of comedy.
APG's comment at 2046 on Friday reminded me of a situation that happened a few weeks ago. In the midst of the covid pandemic some much needed supplies such a PPE, hand-sanitizers, disinfecting agents etc were imported from the US. A Quebec MP rose in Parliament and issued a scathing and blisteringly irate complaint that the packaging these much-needed products came in were not labelled in French as well as English! How about that for grumbling?
I guess I should have wrote: " How about that for the grumbling French?"
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And of course the question of whether or not we will need to pay for health insurance. Who would have thought of all these little details when they were thinking about Brexit. Of course, there were big issues like sovereignty etc.
I take it it's no longer frowned upon to post in another language on an English site. I'm pretty sure it was when I joined 11 years ago?
Ladybirder -have you lost something? Like your sense of humour perhaps?
Not only that Lady what the dickins is this drivel doing in Religion and Spirituality? There is nothing spiritual about it and atheists don't do religion do they. It is just a vehicle for the op to do a bit of preening. Belongs in chutterbunk.
Sanmac, all products sold in all Provinces in Canada have to have to be labelled in French and English.
Yes, I know that APG; however, these products were ordered on an emergency basis by the Federal Government ESPECIALLY for Quebec because of the dire situation in their nursing-homes which actually had Canadian Armed Forces personnel helping out. They were ordered from US companies that don't usually export to Canada and therefore their packaging machines are not tooled-up to print in French. And this MP had the audacity to complain about the labeling instead of being grateful for the procurement of the much-needed supplies required in his Province.
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Togo; I did apologise for accidentally posting here, but the mods didn't correct it.
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Togo, I didn't mean to preen. Why do you think I am? I'm not trying to show off.
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Togo; in what way is this "drivel"?
I see nothing wrong in posting in a foreign language as long as a translation is provided, which I always do.
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Jackdaw; Peter Pedant and TTT seem to get away with it, although I know there have been complaints.
No, you are incorrect. Je suis né for men, je suis née for women.

Naître is one of a dozen or so irregular verbs which form their perfect tenses with être rather than avoir. In this case, the participle agrees in number and gender with the subject.


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