I miss those days too. There were some great brains about! Chakka35, Lazygun, Jomifli - and although Birdie still posts occasionally it’s rarely in R&S these days. The section is poorer for it.
//I'd be lucky to be around in ten months, never mind ten years :-( //
I never understand a Christian’s reluctance to kick the bucket. Why are they not eager to be going where they want to go?
But I digress...
I've been trying to think of other worthy blasts from the past. I can think of several who were prolific in other sections, but I'm struggling with this section - even though I know there were more than those already mentioned. Any thoughts anyone?
There were some really lovely folk in the past but nowadays we have a few religious nutters about.
Theland ,you intimate you haven't got long before departing this life. I haven't either, but you believe there is an heavenly afterlife for you and have implied that folk like me who have Not Accepted Jesus as their Saviour are doomed to a damnation in the fires of Hell.
Good night. My prophecy is I 'll see the next daylight, and hope that you and all others in this thread will see likewise.
Hans, It is my duty to follow my conscience, not to damn others.
My understanding of scripture, is that kindness to our fellow men and women, is of supreme importance to God, who loves us and wants us to love each other.