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When God created man he endowed man with the instinct or faculty of worship. This accounts for the fact that mankind, at all times and in all lands, has practiced and continues to practice some form of religion even atheism.
If you knew that someone had deliberately poisoned your water supply, would you go on drinking from it? Surely, you would take immediate action to find a source of safe, pure water. Well, an accurate knowledge of God’s Word equips us to identify true religion and to reject impurities that make worship unacceptable to God.
You know when Jesus stuck to God’s Word and lived in accord with his laws. In time of temptation he quoted God’s Word, which was the most potent force for good in existence on earth.
Though Satan, who controls all of this world, satan offered Jesus the glory of them all, Jesus upheld the right side of the issue, saying: “Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”—Matt. 4:10.