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I've Been To Church Today.

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Theland | 19:30 Sun 25th Jul 2021 | Religion & Spirituality
356 Answers
Having been disappointed in the past from unbiblical teaching from the Church Of England and a Gospel Hall, my sins have been weighing heavy on me lately, and I felt the need for Christian community.
So, today I attended a local Evangelical church.
I enjoyed it and was made very welcome.
This could be my spiritual home for the future.
Do any of you have any thoughts on Evangelical churches?


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I don't really follow your rationale, Atheist. I had hoped the scriptures would speak for themselves. Those who say there is no God are making a patently foolish statement. Denying His existence is about as foolish as it gets. But despite our foolishness, God gives us multiple chances throughout life to turn from our ways and find full forgiveness,...
20:55 Sun 25th Jul 2021
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If the truth sickens you, get used to it.
One day you will come face to face with it.
5 months ago you were offering your condolences on my MOTHERS death.
Now it seems that you are telling us to get used to it (loved ones been in hell)
You are the sicko in my experience.
Offer your support while all the while believing that my a now burning in hell.

Not only a sicko, but a hypocrite as well.
Theland now goes searching apologetic websites....such as William Lain Craig....for answers!

Thank god for the ability to think for oneself.
'god' with a small 'g'....
Theland, you really are a sick man.
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God is real and He makes the laws.
No matter how much you rail against Him, you are still under His law and one day will come face to face with Him.
How does that make me a sicko?
Your faith depends entirely upon an evil threat that you buy into.... and that you use in an attempt to encourage everyone else to buy into
regardless of the mental anguish your disgusting philosophy may cause them. You simply don’t care. That’s why you’re sick.
Theland you are sick. You have found peace with your God, why aren't you content with that? Why do you feel the need to convince people that they have to believe the same as you or, and this is where you're sick, telling them they will spend an eternity in torture. There are many gullible people who will believe you, what right do you have to terrify people? You only seem to be happy when you're scaring people, why is that? Your posts tell me you're not really interested in other people, you're only concerned with saving yourself from the horrors you foretell.
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Not at all.
I want everybody to hear the Good News about Jesus Christ.
I do not set out to scare people.

\\I do not set out to scare people.//
You certainly don't set out to cheer people up with your so called good news.
Your post, Vulcan, has reminded me of an article I read this morning.

The Archbishop of Dublin has told all Irish Christians to look joyful.
He says that Christians who have faces with a grimace that would stop a clock...a sourpuss face...a funeral face...are dissuading more people from becoming Christians.

The tap root of the Catholic faith has been damaged, he says. So have a happy face to show the non-believers that God loves've been saved and your sins forgiven.....
That last bit did p me off a little.

Anyway, Theland, cheer up now and you'll save us all..... ;-)
Theland, if you don’t set out to scare people why are you continually threatening them?
18:33, theland, every time we have spoken about macro evolution and given examples, you have disappeared. Fair enough, but don't then come back later, as if you haven't seen otherwise.
As for the rest, I don't think you are a sicko, theland. I think you are very scared, vulnerable and unsure... and you are hoping for validation from other people, because it's less scary than facing the truth.
\\ I do not set out to scare people.//
I'm quite sure Gavrilo Princip didn't set out on 28th of June 1914 to start the first world war but it still happened.
Macro evolution, theland- have you yet explained, how we have managed to get different species from others....? Or, why we have defined them that way?
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Pixie, the bible tells us that God created, ''kinds,'' of animals.
One kind cannot change into another. Simple.
Theland, we went through all that, with examples, and the human definition of "kind".
You said you would have a think about it. Did you?
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Pixie, I do not seek validation from anybody.
I am not unsure, just the opposite.
Behind the problems in life that I have to cope with, there is my faith in God, that assures me that He is in charge, that He loves me, and will never forsake me.
Then why do you want others to agree?
That doesn't actually answer my question about macro evolution anyway. "The bible says..." means nothing to me. If you agree with it, can you explain why you decided to deny all new species that evolved? And/or how humans are categorising them wrongly? What is a "kind"?

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