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Atheist | 19:35 Mon 13th Sep 2021 | Religion & Spirituality
233 Answers
There is a lot of anti-muslim feeling here on AB, and also some anti-christian feeling. I'd be interested to hear from muslims who have thoughts on this.


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Someone's on the haughty step again.
andy hughes, it was keyplus, who always struck me as courteous and tolerant.
jno - // andy hughes, it was keyplus, who always struck me as courteous and tolerant. //

Thanks to you and jackdaw for the info - appreciated.

I do recall keyplus being courteous and tolerant, but being a Muslim, that is what we can expect.
well I was going to stay out of this but:
AH: "I do recall keyplus being courteous and tolerant, but being a Muslim, that is what we can expect. " - so all Muslims are courteous and tolerant then? Right oh!
It appears to me that the majority of Islamic terrorists are muslims, Andy. Of course, as well all know, the majority of Muslims decry the terrorists atrocities, did not celebrate on 9/11; do not attend the mosques which were the breeding ground in the UK for terrorism, and definitely don't believe all the violence, calls for jihad etc in the Koran. Hold on...
Come on T, you'll have to do better than that...
Come on AH,that's what you're saying, your sentence implies that it is the norm for Muslims to be courteous and respectful, what other interpretation is there?
...courteous and tolerant!
Courteous and tolerant?! Clearly never tried driving round Bradford or Blackburn then.
Hazi - //
It appears to me that the majority of Islamic terrorists are muslims, Andy. //

I thnk you'd stuggle somewhat to be an Islamic terrorist and not be a Muslim - the clue is in the name if you think about it.

But absolutely anyone can entirely misunderstand an expressed view in order to leap in and be argumentative - you don't have to have any religious affiliation to do that.
Precisely, Andy, you don't.
obviously flying planes full off passengers into buildings is what passes for courtesy and Tolerance under Islam.
TTT - // well I was going to stay out of this but:
AH: "I do recall keyplus being courteous and tolerant, but being a Muslim, that is what we can expect. " - so all Muslims are courteous and tolerant then? Right oh! //

You were being serious with this?

I thought you were being ironic - stating something I didn;t say, criticising me for it, and actually prefacing your response with a 'So ... '

I naturally assumed you were just making fun for your own amusement.

But if you seriously meant it - obviously I did not say that 'all Muslims are courteous and tolerent' because that is not what i think, which is probably why I did not say it.

I do think that, as a rule, Muslims are courteous and tolerent, as are most Christians, Budhists, Skihs, in fact most people whose lives are anchored in a religious commitment.

There are exceptions of course -no-one with any sense would pretend otherwise.

That would be like saying all AB'ers are polite and tolerent.

Most are of course, but ...
AH: "I do recall keyplus being courteous and tolerant, but being a Muslim, that is what we can expect. " - how is that not saying that courteousness and tolerance is the default position? I think you are putting an unreasonable stress on the language there!
TTT - // obviously flying planes full off passengers into buildings is what passes for courtesy and Tolerance under Islam. //

I'd love to beleive that you are throwing out these nonsensical piffle-bombs for your own and maybe others' amusement, but sadly, I think, based on experience that you are being serious.

Since that obsservation might obtain some utterly undeserved dignity if it receives a response, I shall not be offering one, rather I'll let it sit here in its humilated embarassment, before it is deservedly forgotten.
TTT - // AH: "I do recall keyplus being courteous and tolerant, but being a Muslim, that is what we can expect. " - how is that not saying that courteousness and tolerance is the default position? I think you are putting an unreasonable stress on the language there! //

We may have cross-posted - I refer you to my post at 21.47.
Well Atheist, as my performances in the KM Links game shows, I'm not great at predictions, but I get the feelings that you may not get any responses from Muslims.
I imagine if you read posts involving Keyplus 90, a Pakistani Muslim living in London, you will find answers to practically any question you may wish to ask. He took part in long debates on here covering almost every aspect of Islam.
/// there is a core of AB'ers who are unwilling and unable to make the fundamental distinction between a Muslim and a terrorist ///

Which is probably why the former are reluctant to get involved here.
I hope Keyplus is well, hasn't posted since last November.

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