Erm we arent doing too well on this thread
I recommend God BC by Anthony Phillips - he was ma Dean of Chapel and a Prot theologian;mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&;campid=5338268676&toolid=10044&customid=Cj0KCQjw8eOLBhC1ARIsAOzx5cE3FTQ649Gl4O0QRxssY9Q2oe8_bAOuSDp0S0hTBpFdSGie5VWN1B8aAluSEALw_wcB
It is well known ( by me hur hur hur) that naming something ( lots of that on AB !) gives control over it. Hence the first commandment - oops 3rd commandment. It is all in a name.
we knew that really didnt we
Yahwah - adonai - the name of God differs between the pentateuch J and E documents - the first five books of the bible are divided into J E D P documents
the point Wellhausen was making was that the documents were written at different times with different intentions/aims
we knew that really didnt we? some of us
and the JW - following the jewish tradition of not naming froo respect - used the Yahweh consonants and Ehohim vowel pointing and got Jehovah
yeah we knew that....
Good life has a good start - quoting various bits of the bible - but Isaiah I would say, had a different purpose to Acts - which in my opinion has a clear reference to naming and they were clearly written at different times
so we have covered in some way
do we name god ?
or is it disrespectful ?
if we name, do we give power to the namer and decrease power to the named?
Out of respect should we use other words and perhaps not even call them 'names'?
can we account for the JW weird spelling? (Y)
and where can I read more ( Anthony Phillips that is!)
I mean that is not bad for a morning's post is it?
( note to Naomi: I wouldlove it if you commented foo what all dat about den foo?)