Fiveleaves - Why are you 'insulted' - it's not your design that people are attributing otherwise than you believe they should.
As fir anything natural looking as though it was 'deigned' to look like that, of course it was.
It's called evolution.
Everything we see carries the optimum development of anything and everything that has allowed it to thrive and survive.
It's reached us after millions if not billions of years of retaining aspects that are of benefit, and losing those which are not.
So what you see is the 'finished product' which has changed where and when needed, to survive from then until now.
That may be almost no change, like the cockroach which us as perfect an example of survival as you can find, with almost no change, to the humming bird, which has changed for times beyond measure.
So don't be 'insulted', just appreciate the miracle of nature that changes it creatures as much or as little as it needs, for them to be around for you to admire on your nice walks.