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More Than 1500 Years Ago, The Prophet Habakkuk Said. How Long How Long? (Hab 2:3)

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goodlife | 11:30 Mon 31st Jul 2023 | Religion & Spirituality
118 Answers
When will God destroy the wicked? If so, how much longer must we wait? Such questions are asked by people throughout the earth. Where can we find the answers? We can do so in divinely inspired prophetic words about God’s appointed time. They assure us that Jehovah will soon execute judgment upon all wicked ones. Only then will the earth become completely “filled with the knowing of the glory of Jehovah as the waters themselves cover over the sea.” That is the prophetic promise found in God’s Sacred Word at Habakkuk 2:14.


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Khandro, meant to add I won't bother with Terry Eagleton too much. He's talking about theology. See my post above to Vulcan.

One other thing but just an observation. All these people you parade in an effort to endorse your disdain for Dawkins don't seem to be able to ignore him. Like you, they all have the knives out for him. I guess he must be saying something that unnerves them and rocks their cosy notions. Can't think what. ;o)
I've never read The Selfish Gene, Khandro, so I'll take your word for it that it's wrong. Dawkins, being passionate about what is true, will probably be delighted.
naomi; // I can't imagine why Khandro thinks Dawkins should have any interest at all in theology. Religion and its impact upon the world he certainly takes an interest in, but theology, no. Why would he? Perhaps Khandro mistakenly conflates the two.//

Anyone who thinks that religion is somehow a separate discipline from theology must be half-witted, which I don't think you generally are. What is the matter with you?

Khandro - // Theology is the study of the nature of God and religious belief. In contrast, Religious Studies studies religions as human phenomena, including their history, beliefs, practices, and cultural impact. Theology is often based on a particular religious tradition, while Religious Studies take a more comparative and interdisciplinary approach. //

The difference appears to be small, but nonetheless valid.
The difference is actually enormous.
Cor blimey! Religion is to theology what ethics is to philosophy; you can't have one without the other.

Anyone who writes a book entitled, 'The God Delusion' is dabbling in theology, even though its main premiss maybe the negation of God.
What has religion ever done for us?
Morning Khandro, you can't have one without the other if you're into religion. Dawkins isn't interested in studying the nature of God or of religious belief. Unencumbered by pre-conceived notions instilled in him in earlier life, he's read all the books and has concluded that religion is nonsense - and he makes a jolly good argument for it too.

I recall him speaking with a group of Muslim schoolgirls and their female science teacher who taught them, quite seriously, that Allah made the mountains to pin down the earth. Religion and the myths it embraces warrants exposure.
Yeah, but where did he get the building materials from to make the mountains? Could have been Tommys' Building Supplies, round the corner from me. Oh, maybe not, they've only been in business for forty years. Must have been a good supplier though cos lots of mountains are made from different materials. And just think of the logistics! It'd be worse than HS2.
It is exactly comparable to a computer disk, DNA is the instructions for a particular form of life, the programme code is the instructions for whatever that particular programme is to do - a perfect analogy.
OG; I see what you are saying as an analogy, but DNA is organic & there's nothing organic about a computer disk, therefore behaviourally there can be no comparison.
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At one time, I was not a Jehovah's Witness. Same as Khandro,

Why is Habakkuk’s prophecy so beneficial for today? for true Christians, Because. We get. the energy. It teaches reliance upon God. It is also beneficial for warning others of God’s judgments. The warning lesson is forceful: Do not consider God’s judgments as being too delayed; they will “without fail come true. (Hab. 2:3)

How far man will go in destroyed the world ,You have to wait and see.
Goodlife, so as I said, in order to be ‘saved’ Khandro needs to become a Jehovah’s Witness.

Sorry Khandro, old bean. Looks like you’re stuck with the rest of us sinners. ;o)
As ive asked you before,goodlife,where was your beloved God or Jehovah or whatever,when the wee bairns were being forced into the gas chambers at Auswitsch?So far ive had nothing but waffle from you.Away you go with your religious mumbo-jumbo.Cant you feel the flames of Hell licking against your aerosol,you anti-christ heid-banger?
ynnafymmi; God did not "force children into a gas chamber," think it through.
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Do you not Learn anything from the past. There was a time when God was ruling us. But they rejected his kingship they rejected him. They didn’t want him.

So too, today, If you read your Bible you will see that it will tell us that from that time on ( 1 Samuel 8:6-22) God has left mankind to his own devices.
//There was a time when God was ruling us. But they rejected his kingship they rejected him. They didn’t want him. //

Maybe they thought he wasn't that great. His history doesn't show him in a particularly brilliant light.
Unencumbered by pre-conceived notions instilled in him in earlier life, he's read all the books and has concluded that religion is nonsense ( dawkins)

sorry his ( eminent) background in genetics and evolution shows thro.

canI ask ABers to think before they post? thank you
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No, I mean you don't know your Bible at all.
Oh I do, goodlife. I just don't get sucked in by other people trying to scare the wits out of me. That God was a monster.

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