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How Any One Can Tell Me That That God Created A Perfect World Is Beyond Me.

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nailedit | 22:52 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | Religion & Spirituality
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Nothing created is perfect and 'God' is a perfect example of that.
23:33 Sun 18th Aug 2024

So the poor little goat had sinned then - right!

you on the sauce already nailed it? What are you saying nothing should eat anything else? What's "imperfect" is killing for sport, killing for food is natural.

Obviously nailedit is on a plant based diet, cider,beer and vodka 😂😂😂

What prompts anyone to go searching for videos like that, it's sick 🙁

I can't believe you posted a video like that. Sick !!!

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//What prompts anyone to go searching for videos like that, it's sick//

I didnt go searching for it. I like wildlife documentries so occasionally stuff like this comes up on your feed.


You didn't have to post it. Most people don't get a kick out of hearing a little creature screaming for its life.

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//I can't believe you posted a video like that. Sick !!!//

Do you eat meat?


That was the entire point of my OP.

If a God created this world, then he/her/it must be one sick individual. Unfortuanately its just nature, and i dont like it any mor than anyone else...

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//Most people don't get a kick out of hearing a little creature screaming for its life//

You think I did?

Read the OP again for goodness sake!

Yes I eat meat - doesn't mean I want to buy the video of the kill from the abbatoir.

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I cant believe the hypocracy here...


There is no hypocrisy. Anyone who eats meat knows how it's killed or should do. That doesn't mean they want or need to see the animal it came from getting killed. I can't argue on the god thing because I don't believe in a 'god'. I just think it's a bit sick posting a video like that on a site like AB that has a lot of subscribers that would be upset at seeing even the photo in your post let alone clicking on the video. It's selfish to prove some sort of point you have about 'god'

I think you mean hypocrisy. 

Some people would be quite disturbed watching that. Why not show some consideration for others?

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Auntypoll, I like wildlife vids. I merely posted a short vid to aid in a question. From the outset it was obvious that it wasnt going to be pleasant so dont click on it, its not rocket science...


//It's selfish to prove some sort of point you have about 'god'//

Never read anything more ridiculous in my 58 years on this Earth.

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//Some people would be quite disturbed watching that. Why not show some consideration for others?//


quite disturbed me as well, which is why I posted it . Do you still not get my original OP? Shall I get my crayons out for you?


People don't have to click on the video the picture alone is enough to upset some people. 

I didn't watch the video - the picture alone is more than enough, thanks. I gave up watching wild-life documentaries many years ago now.

Yes, I eat meat - but I eat humanely killed meat as much as possible.

I think in the UK all meat, apart from pork, is halal and not humanely slaughtered.

Killing any animal by whatever means for meat is not 'humane'. they queue up ready to be stunned and I am sure they know what's coming. I guess the nearest to humane would be killing an animal in the wild with a rifle.

Some say:  He works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.

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