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How Any One Can Tell Me That That God Created A Perfect World Is Beyond Me.

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nailedit | 22:52 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | Religion & Spirituality
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Nothing created is perfect and 'God' is a perfect example of that.
23:33 Sun 18th Aug 2024
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Were these things even on the Ark? 🤣

Perhaps it turns out it's as near perfect as a working model can be ?

oh come on - even if this is AB ( it is) we know he didnt ( God world perfect)

Problem of evil ( or in AB speak - - why evil?) and no I am not going to go into it

Nothing created is perfect and 'God' is a perfect example of that.

We all have to eat. 

woud you eat goat if you were hungry and nothing else was available?

I've eaten goat many times, I really like it. I've got some in the freezer

It was doing OK til we came along

Grow up nailedit.

Some people realise we are omnivores 

I know an old lady who swallowed a horse - she's dead, of course!😊

I love goat too, currys loveley.

However I think thats missiing the point nailit is trying to make in that is God is so wonderful and persfect why did he create things that eat each other?

Who said God created a perfect world, Nailedit?

God made man in image of himself.


Man is far from perfect.


Ergo, God is far from perfect.


So let's  hear no more about it 😊

If God created a perfect world, why was Satan in the garden of Eden?  I think it's a straw man argument.

Doesnt it say something like that in Genesis?



Anyway haven't goats been associated with the devil? So the dragon is attacking evil...

OK, not the word 'Perfect' but close enough:

25 And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

That refers to God's creation of animals, YMB. But "very good" does not mean "perfect".  The Hebrew phrase translated as “very good” here is: meod tob. This phrase occurs elsewhere in the Bible. But Genesis 1:31 is the only place in Scripture where some have interpreted it to mean “absolute perfection.”

But the world wasn't created "perfect"- I believe the assumption of "perfect paradise on earth" to be a false one- as I mentioned, Satan was there in the garden of Eden- so no, it wasn't absolute perfection.

God created a perfect world, but sin has spoilt everything

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