All Things Bright And Beautiful in The AnswerBank: Religion & Spirituality
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All Things Bright And Beautiful

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nailedit | 12:55 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | Religion & Spirituality
40 Answers

All creatures great and small.

All things wise and wonderful

The Lord God drowned them all.

(Genesis 6-9)


Except Satan and his demons. He let them carry on to wreak havoc. Strange God that Christians have...

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Let there be rock!

I've got to play that at a funeral on Tuesday and I made a real mess of practising it today...... don't remind me.  Never liked it as a hymn anyway.  :(

I have never accepted the stories and as the years have opassed I now reach 73 conviced that it (religions in general) is all balony!

A way of controling an illiterate population.
The whole concept has been torn to shreds with science ,internet and common sense.

God could quite easily have chosen to wipe out the human race in the flood, but in His mercy decided to save Noah and his family and by extension the human race

Satan and the demons are immortal so couldn't just be killed off.

The Noah's Ark story raises all sorts of interesting questions for. Noah and co would have had to vigilant at all times not to tread on the two ants to give just one example

The ark was afloat for quite a long time [150 days (Genesis 7:24)]  - how much damage did the termites inflict in that time?

And why didn't predators eat their prey - surely they didn't abstain from food all that time.  I suppose that (given the later loaves and fishes episode by his son) God created food out of nothing - manna from heaven maybe.

fiveleaves: "God could quite easily have chosen to wipe out the human race in the flood, but in His mercy decided to save Noah and his family and by extension the human race"

Do you really believe that wiping out every living thing on a planet is justified by sparing the lives of a single family (and samples of all the animals)? I suppose Hitler was OK killing millions but sparing others?

What heights might mankind have reached if God had spared a few more families.

The interbreeding between Noah and his children must have set up back quite a bit.

All creatures great and small.

All things wise and wonderful

The Great Allah took them to war.

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//Satan and the demons are immortal so couldn't just be killed off.//


1) So God isnt all powerfull then? He couldnt wipe out a being that he had created but could wipe out humanity? (+ animals)

2) Isn't humanity immortal? An eternity in heaven or hell? Sounds pretty immortal to me...

Nailedit- All humans are immortal, but we all have a physical body which can be killed

Angels and demons are spiritual creatures which cant be killed

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//Angels and demons are spiritual creatures which cant be killed//

So God is not omnipotent then?

Fiveleaves, if Satan and his demons couldn't  be killed off, how is God going to rid the world of them - ever?  Has he learnt something he didn't know before?

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naomi, don't ask logical questions of the religious!

Its cruel. You might hurt their feelings and go to prison.

Oh, hang on! That might be for just one religion....

They are all nuts anyway.

Naomi, Satan and the fallen angels are going to be in hell, but they still wont be killed off. However, they will not be able to touch at all , all those residing with God

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fiveleaves, you do realise how ridiculous all this sounds?

What is ridiculous about it? You may not accept it, but all I am saying is simple Biblical truth. Nothing particularly deep or some obscure theology

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Biblical truth is an oxymoron.

Anyway, you havnt explained yet why an omnipotent deity CAN'T kill Satan and his demons.

Fiveleaves, so an omnipotent God will defeat them at sometime - he's just not been able to do it up to now.   That is completely irrational.

Odd how God could create things by simply saying, "Let there be ..." but had to resort to a flood to get rid of them. Why not simply say, "Let there not be ..." ?

Other times He had to get the Hewbrews to massacre them.

For the Passover, those to be saved had to mark their own dooors. How come the omnicient God didn't know that for Himself?

He was busy with future plans for DANGEROUS CLIMATE CHANGE.

See also, floods, pestilence, plague baby killing...

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