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Not A Very Happy Politician.

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gulliver1 | 15:07 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | News
9 Answers

Nigel Farage is not happy at the news of Michel Barnier         - EU fanatic-and his new appointment in France .As he rages at the thought of Barnier and Starmer getting to close and could pull the UK back into the EU's Orbit. Jacob Rees-Mogg is also worried about a Starmer Barnier close relationship as he says Barnier is a capable political operator. My question is. Should the Brexiteers be worried?



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Have you spoken to him then?

Nah, it don't mean naaffing, just a load of old pony, etc.

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Barniers new appointment could lead to a new era between Britain and the EU.

You do realise he is going to be PM of France and not of the EU?

First and foremst he will put France first - as he should.  He, like most Freench, will tell the EU to poke it if they try to tell him what to do.

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Perhaps if there was a StarBar Pact. They could do a deal. .Britain rejoins the EU in return France stops the Boats.          ๐Ÿ˜ŽIt's a easy as that๐Ÿ˜Ž

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YMB 15.13  Well I didn't think he was going to be Pm Timbuktu

Need not be that worried. Any traitorous change by one government can be torn up when the next one gets in. I feel sure that Nigel Farage will ensure that on taking over at No. 10.

Yes, I am also certain that he will O_G.  I agree with others - France is strictly pro the French, first and foremost.  Barnier will doubtless try to lead us on - but his job will be France and the advancement of France (and how France can avoid EU constrictions and pay the fines they do because of that). Until the 'Outre-mer' votes came in - France had voted against joining the EU... the Outre-mer swung the vote by 1/2 %.

Mainly, he'll be trying to stop the left and right tearing the govt. to shreds. It'll probably be a bit more to the R. than to the L., given the results.

Things should be okay gulliver,Mick Lynch is the most prominent Brexiteer(probably more so than Farage),he is also besties with Starmer.A Brexit reversal?No chance with Mr Lynch pulling the strings.(Unfortunately).

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