I Figured It Out! in The AnswerBank: Science
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I Figured It Out!

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StupidGuy | 13:09 Tue 05th Nov 2024 | Science
8 Answers

A while ago, I posted my first question about clone reproduction. The question went something like this:


'If I clone myself twice, one being male, the other female, would the offspring be a copy of me?'


I figured out the answer to my own question.


Based on genetics, it is possible, but not likely depending on what types of genes are present. If I have 2 dominant genes for lets say... eye colour, then my children will have the same eye colour as my clones. If my genes are 1 dominant, one recessive, there would be a 75% chance the dominant gene will show, but there is a 25% chance that the child would have the recessive genes show, giving differently coloured eyes to the clones, since 2 recessive genes overpower a dominant gene, but 1 dominant overpowers a reccessive. Following a pedigre would help.


Although genetics play a role in how you look, behave or act, it is only one of a couple factors, one being environment. Example: 2 pea plants were cloned and planted in 2 pots, one in the sun and is fed water, and the other is in the shade, and  fed less water. The one in the sun flourshes, but the one in the shade dies. Despite being genetically identical, they turn out differently. Same thing with people. 


So in conclusion, it depends. If by a miracle, I have all dominant genes for every strand and coil of dna in my entire body, and in the exact same environment I grew up in, yes. But in any realistic sense, no.

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Step 1 seems difficult. If you are a guy, how can any clone of you be female ?

I was thinking the same thing.... A female version of you would not be you...too many differences.  She would be closer to a very inbred sister.... Just move to Norfolk

right oh!

By definition you can't clone yourself as the opposite sex of what you are. That's why there are no mixed sex Identical twins. Back to the drawing board! PMSL!

If you're a man any clone of you would also be a man.  Back to the drawing board.

hey, get your own line naomi! 😁

Haaa!  Sorry mother.  I didn't see that.  

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