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The Pope's vision of hell

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annavc | 12:27 Wed 28th Mar 2007 | Religion & Spirituality
73 Answers
Although I read this section a lot this is the first time I've posted a question. I'm interested to know what people's views are on the latest pronouncement from the pope. rope/article1572646.ece

Personally I think it's a load of twaddle like all religious doctrine but I'd like to hear everyone else's opinions!

I need something interesting to read while pretending to work!!


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Yellow card to Wizard! Great big "Tut Tut"

This might help
Mani: my view of Born Again Christianity isn't prejudice - it's simply that from my experience this particular religion promotes Christianity in its worst possible light, seemingly devoid of love and compassion, and obsessed with sin, guilt and retribution. The angry and inflexible views that you put forward, do, I feel confirm this.

If you've never heard me mention the good works that some Christians do, then you haven't read my posts.

Why is the last part of my argument ridiculous? It seems perfectly logical to say that if god knows everything, then he knew that Jesus's mission on earth would create conflict for future generations. I can't understand why you have a problem with that. And I don't understand where I made a condescending point either. What do you mean?

If you don't want to tell us why you think the pope is the anti-Christ, fair enough, but you're the one who brought the subject up so a little clarification wouldn't go amiss.

You've said to me, as you've said to Wizard, that sometimes your comments fall outside our comfort zones. Not true. Even your views on women staying in a violent marriage don't fall outside my comfort zone, because they're completely irrational.

Fingerprint: Yes the pope made it official in 1950, but it's been part of the church's teaching since the fourth century. Man made? I rest my case.

Annavc: Thanks for posting the question - and you never know, if you do get your very own cloud they might even teach you to play the harp! :o)
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So... presumably your dig about Wizards' emotional state (which clearly you can't genuinely believe) means you're out of your comfort zone yourself, Mr Double-Standards?
Hi, and welcome to my fully furnished comfort zone.
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Luna ...............oh fantastic .... there you are!! I wondered what had happened to you and was getting a bit concerned, but now I know you're sitting happily in your own little comfort zone, I'm content. :o)
Oh dear this question is taking a turn for the worse.......................why don't we just all talk about our favourite biscuits.

Naomi - How was Tesco's? Going back to what we were saying about the ascention - you moved the goal posts on me!! You said that the Pope only introduced the idea 50 years ago and I replied that the ascention had actually been Church teaching since the early Church. As for being man made thats a different issue altogether, it's not man made - I don't have much time now but I will tell you my argument later.
Hello naomi, I went for a stroll through Body & Soul and ended up in Shopping :0)
I've been trying to catch up on all the juicy conversations going on but I must say some of them seemed to be getting a little heated.
As I don't have a competitive bone in my body, I find that we often play the circle game and although I like puttin my two-penarf worth in(ooh-er !), some of the debates seem to last forever and then end up where they started but I suppose that's the beauty of answerbank.
The Pope's vision of hell, Digestives sound more believable.
Mani, what on earth are you talking about? I don't think anything I've said is clear to you - and Waldo's right. You are out of your comfort zone. You have no rational answers and the only way you can find to respond is to attack with irrelevant comments.

As for reporting peoples' posts, I disagree with that. I'm all for freedom of speech. It's the only way we know how people think, and by suppressing their thoughts, instead of dealing with the problem we're just hiding it. One of your posts was reported and removed recently, and although I disagreed most strongly with what you said, I didn't think it should have been reported. We should have been able to discuss it and perhaps resolve the issue.
Fingerprint: Ha!! I really pushed the boat out today. Ditched Tesco and went to Asda! There! No one can say I don't have a mind of my own!

Yes, I did move the goalpost slightly, but couldn't resist it. I mean, in my shoes, you'd have done the same surely? It was a wide open goal - but nevertheless, I look forward to hearing more.
Hi Luna, well all I can say is you've been missed. And can we make it chocolate digestives? Far more wicked than the plain kind! Hee hee hee.........

You're right, as usual, Luna. We do often go around in circles, but it's fun on the roundabouts.
I would say I prefer swings but I got hit in the head with one as a kid(Never been the same since).
I hope you get rid of your cold. :0)
Ha!! You do make me laugh!!! I'm really chuckling here. Feels a bit ridiculous sitting all on your own laughing your head off! :o)

And thanks - the cold's a bit better now.
Quite the most bemusing item in all of this lunacy is >b>Fingerprint�s appeal (to people like me, obviously) to have an open mind.
But why?
I consider all religious belief to be unutterably absurd � an insult to, a betrayal of, that intellect that evolution has given us human beings. And although, in a free country, people are fully entitled to misuse � indeed, abuse � that intellect, why should I have an open mind about it? Or, as some people demand, respect it? Must I have an open mind about, and a respect for, astrology, flat-earthism, magic carpets, tealeaf-reading?
Tolerance, yes of course � at least in those areas where religious belief remains harmless.
Mind you, that tolerance becomes hard-pressed when faced with Theland�s bland and blind, cannot-think-for-myself Bible spouting, Mani�s nasty, hateful extremism and Fingerprint�s rewriting of the gospels (which have no historical basis anyway) to accomodate some ridiculous dogma invented by the RC Church. But it survives.
I can�t remember who it was who said �By all means have an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out.�
Too late, mine's already fallen.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein.
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"We do not want churches because they will teach us to quarrel about God.We do not want to learn that".

Chief Joseph
Nez Perce
(Native American Indian)

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