Hi all, like Mani said the suffering question is always a really difficult one for Christians and I think he's right about us not seeing the big picture.
God could very easily remove all strife and human suffering, all He needs to do is to remove our free will and implant total obedience to His commands inside us.
The reality is that God has commanded all to repent and turn to Him (Acts 17:30) and the obvious reality to this is that many do not believe in God or obey Him, instead they�re driven by the carnal mind to act contrary to God�s commands.
This includes the tragic taking of Maddie, however if God had intervened, then He would be bound to intervene in other such crimes and then we�d lose our free will.
At the moment, as Jesus said the wheat grows with the weeds and when Jesus returns, then He will deal with both, but until then, we live in a world where free will exists and where some people seek to gratify their own lusts.
There is no easy answer to this question but having the gift of free will to make choices also means that some will make choices that lead to pain and hurt for others.