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Understandable,but we live in a world full of intolerance,we are not free men,we pay taxes,we commute in our iron coffins,we abide by laws that are not our own...If a man commits murder upon your family,robs your possesions,takes your life,dreams,aspirations and soul....who punishes,condemns and sentences them..Not God,but some **** in a wig...who dont even know how to pronounce your name...Where is God then??? we die...we turn to dust....why waste an entire life on a promise that with a chance(and that chance makes all the difference) someone was right after all....!!! screw religion..its or people with no self belief,no self confidence and a weakness and dependency on a whisper!! myself and my wife made our children,I work,I pay my bills,I keep a roof over my families head,I look after my family when they are ill,I have to go to see the Bank Manager when I am skint,I run and try my best my life and my families life......ERRR where is this prick God...when he coughs up a bit of cash,then maybe i might give him some of my time....The devil is in us all when it comes to self preservation...So please dont condescend with your false pathetic beliefs...cos when that hoodies about to stab you through the heart for the ten bob in you sure god aint gonna stop him :)