Religion is the perceived alternative to and arch enemy of reason, reason being the means by which we as rational beings sustain and promote our existence on this Earth.
For the same reason I promote science in as much as it is devoted to the benefits it can provide to those with the capacity to do science, human beings, as well as its parent and guardian, philosophy, I abhor religion. Religion is to philosophy as the twisted and perverse application of technology for the destruction of humanity is to rationally guided and properly applied science.
Religion and faith are not a substitute for reason but attempts to separate humanity from its hard won, highly evolved means of existence by perverting and subverting the rational process that has evolved through years of developing and exploring the foundations and proper applications of knowledge that is the discipline of philosophy.
The success religion has had in achieving its purpose is evident in the lack of a philosophy section in this forum. We should be debating ethics and the objective basis of morality. Instead of learning how to live religion would have us devote our lives to preparing for the grave.
Rather than exploring our potential to achieve greatness we are whacking the Big Lie in the Sky around like an intellectual ping-pong ball. That�s all good. Mental gymnastics in applying logic is good exercise . . . but you did ask what the point is . . .
What is at stake is our survival as a species, the only one of which we have certain knowledge with the ability to debate the point of our own existence and that of the universe.