Errrrr.... ...............what?
(Only joking, Mibs. x)
By the way, I'm a leader ........ always have been ....... that's just the way it's always been ............ it's sort of natural somehow...........just like my wonky brain and my wonky manipulation of Occam's Razor........... captain of this .......... leader of that ....... chief dissenter when dissention is essential to the common good ............why, as we speak, I am making posters, banners and leaflets in preparaton to do battle with piffling bureaucrats ........ and I know I won't let them win because that will destroy people's lives ....... just how do you get out of the way, Mibs? Teach me, oh wise one ....... advise me .............for the sake of my sanity, I need to know ........... because unbeknown to anyone else, ........inside I'm such a wimp!!
Oooo ... I went into one for a moment there, but I feel better now, so time for bed I think. Night everyone, sleep tight. Mwah! x