Theland, I bet you were positively salivating over the prospect of one more casualty of the religious war . . . if not the relief of one less pie being hurled your way. But than I highly doubt that any of the above discerning minds were fooled by this attempt at humour for much longer than it took the light from your computer screen to reach your eyes.
Jake, Thanks for the offer but I�d rather settle for a bottle of Blue Nun. No offence.
Naomi, With
key in hand all is forgiven and forgotten in the interest of a challenge presented and met.
Keyplus, No way you�re getting a hold of the key to the wine cellar!
Octavius, Keep your corkscrew in your pants. This is a respectable establishment. lol
China, I have three words of advice for you, �Don�t be sad�. Too many hearts are mutual victims of your unhappiness to allow this to go on any longer. Just as importantly, don�t you dare ever even consider going away. We will always be there to wish you the best in your times of despair and we�re counting on you to cheer us up in our own darker moments as well.
Deal or no deal?
There is a reason for me being uncharacteristically stingy with the stars this go round. I�m reserving three stars for Chakka if he will post so much as a comma on this thread, just to let us know that he is reading and so knows how much we miss his insightful views.
Luna, Say (or sing) something . . . anything . . .
please? No thread is complete without your imaginative orchestration . . .