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The Sherman | 14:44 Fri 24th Oct 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
10 Answers
Its false and I can prove it!!!!!!!!


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I went to Wagamma last night and they tried to make me use chopsticks????

Everyone know the best way to eat is with a knife and fork so if evolution was real then surely they would all have adapted and stop ussing such useless dvices???

therefore evolution doesnt work!
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apologies for rubbish spelling am on the phone and typing at same time
I do not agree with you Sherman. I used to eat my food chewing with my left hand side of teeth. When I had to get one removed from that side, I managed to adapt to the other side. So evolution is a fact.
knives are useful for cutting food. Forks serve no purpose; you can equally well hold the food with your hands. Case not proven. The real problem may be that you have not evolved far enough to be able to use chopsticks, but don't worry; if you marry a Japanese your great grandchildren may be sufficiently advanced to cope with them.
Evolution is false.

I was in Wagamma the other night and there was a genuine honest to God Neanderthal making a fuss about a fork.

Jutting jaw, grunting the full works!

I'm sold
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forks serve no purpose?

what about stabbing things to cut with?

Chopsticks are very good for eating fish with.
I hate it when they give you only one.
The fact that you have a mouth and hands to move the food towards your mouth is more proof of evolution than man made implements. Pointless threads are sometimes ok, this one was stupid.
Once upon a time we all ate uncooked food using our fingers. Those who learned to cook our food and to use knives and other cutlery were able to eat without transferring so many germs from fingers to food and thus lived to produce offspring.

Now, it's easier to improvise chopsticks than knives and forks, so those who have learned to use them will be the ones more able to feed themselves cleanly when there is no cutlery to hand.

Evolution does work, Sherman. You just have to accept that the Chinese have evolved further than you.

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