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Curious Christian

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USALady | 22:36 Tue 16th Dec 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
128 Answers
I am a devout Christian. I believe the Bible is the infallible, inerrant Word of God. I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I don't think I have ever met a true athiest. I am curious as to how you think, what do you believe will happen when you die? Where do you think the beauty that bestows us each and every day with the sunrise to the sunset came from?


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Anna � Neither Jesus nor his any immediate believers claimed him to be Son of God. However few people long after him came up with this idea.

Waldo � Good question. A very detailed answer I can easily copy and paste. Here you go,

It is mentioned in your Qur�an that Mary was the sister of Aaron (pbuh). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who wrote the Qur�an did not know the difference between Miriam the sister of Aaron (pbuh) and Mary the Mother of Jesus (pbuh), the time span between both of them was about a thousand years.
The Qur�an mentions in Surah Maryam, Chapter 19 verses 27-28
"At length she brought the (babe) to her people, carrying him (in her arms). They said: �O Mary! Truly an amazing thing hast thou brought!
O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman unchaste!�"
[Al-Qur�an 19:27-28]
Christian missionaries say that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did not know the difference between Mary the mother of Jesus (pbuh) and Miriam the sister of Aaron (pbuh). The time span between both was more than a thousand years.
In the Arabic construction of the sentence, sister is also considered as a descendant. Thus, when the people said to Mary, Ukhta Haroon i.e. �sister of Aaron� it actually means descendant of Aaron (pbuh).
It is mentioned in the Gospel of Mathew, Chapter 1 verse 1
"Jesus Christ, the son of David,....".
[Mathew 1:1]

Gospel of Luke Chapter 3, verse 23

"And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, ....."
[Luke 3:23]
Ah, okay. I hadn't seen the programme, and from what you were saying it sounded like Yukatan. Well, abiogensis is at present unproved, but several of the hypothesis do postulate that extraterrestrial bodies provided the organic chemicals required for life (though note this simply pushes the origin of life to another body other than Earth.

Other hypothesis do not require such an impact, so this sounds like the programme was indulging in some (entirely legitimate) speculation. Was this on recently? I'll get it from iPlayer.

This is the other one you are talking about People can talk to anything when they are alone and feeling a bit down or confused. God conveyed the message to her through a different mean.

And the birth pangs, the pains of childbirth, brought her to the trunk of the palm-tree, that she may support herself against it, and then she gave birth: the conception, formation [of the foetus] and delivery [all] took place within one hour. She said, �O (yā is [used] to call attention [to something]) would that I had died before this, affair, and become a forgotten thing, beyond recall!�, a thing abandoned which no one knows or Then he called her from below her, namely, Gabriel � for he was lower than her, �Do not grieve. Your Lord has made below you a rivulet, a river of water, which had dried up.mentions.
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To Jake-The-Peg: No, I don't believe seeking medical assistance is showing a lack of faith because, again, I believe God gave man the wisdom to be the doctors, chemists, scientists.
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Thank you for your sensitivity, Annna & pinkkitty...I am well grounded in my faith and don't believe much could shake it but I appreciate your words.
I should have known that I would have gotten all kinds of responses to this; however, am quite surprised at the number of atheist/agnostics there. I was told by a pastor at one of the churches in Keswick that only 5% of all UK are Christian. That is a very small percentage compared to the US. Of course, I don't want anyone to think I am judging anyone on being atheist/agnostic, I was just simply curious as everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. I am as firm in mine as you are in yours and that's ok.
Hadith #5326 says that when some early Christians raised this objection to a Muslim, he was unable to answer how this could be so. He then asks Mohammed and it's Mohammed himself who explains the ancient Jews (who are the people being discussed and whose traditions are relevant, not Arabs/Muslims) used to name people after pious people.

But there is a problem with this interpretation; the original Muslim wasn't aware of this use of language and had taken it to be literal, as had the Christians. Maybe Mohammed is more knowledgeable than his fellow Muslim or the Christians. That is always possible. However, there is not a single instance of the world sister or brother being used in this way in the entire Bible. Similarly, in the Koran there is not one instance of such a use of the words 'sister' or 'brother'.

Of 14 uses of the word 'sister' in the Koran, one is the one we're discussing, 11 are about a literal blood relative. Once it's used in the term "sister-nation" and once in the term "sister-sign" and in both cases although the intention is metaphorical, it is clearly intended to a sibling-eque closeness between two things; a blood relative. A similar thing occurs for 'brother' - lots of mentions, never once refering to person named after a pious person who lived many hundreds of years before. The Hadiths contain no such references.

The terms 'son' and 'daughter' and clearly used to show lineage, 'brother' and 'sister' never.

Was Mohammed telling a little porkie pie?
I've realised 'porkie pie' might come across like an intentional insult - it wasn't meant in that way and only meant 'lie'.

I expect suggesting Mohammed a liar is probably considered fairly insulting too, but I meant to say that.
Your Keswick pastor was kind of right.

About 70% of Brits will claim to be Christian if asked that.

If you ask If the question do they believe in God only about 50% will say yes.

About 5-6% actually go to church.

Take the villiage I live in - about 2000 people.The vicar rotates between 3 churches to get numbers. Usually about 10-20 people from 3 villages.

At Christmas maybe there's 80 from 3 such villages

It's pretty similar in most of the rest of Western Europe and Australia.

America is actually the anomoly
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Jake-the-Peg...why do you suppose America is the anomoly? By that, I mean, what is different between America & UK, Australia, or any European country.
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I'm not sure.

As I pointed out in my earlier post most of the founding fathers were shockingly un-Christian, deists or even atheists (scandalous for the time).

I think it must have been to do with the large numbers who fled from religious persecution.

If you're that religious that you're going to flee to another country to hold on to your religious practices you're not going to let go of it lightly.

So I think there was a certain Darwinian pressure separating those of a more religious persuasion out of Europe.

That's my best guess although there is also a fair body of work looking at twins seperated at birth suggesting that a tendency to religious faith may be inherited.

Of course that would amplify the effect.

But I'm certainly open to other ideas
I have seen that hadith. Its only a mention about the name system. Of course Maryam (pbuh) Mary was of the descendants of Moses and Haroon (pbuh). And it is nothing more than that. What Muhammad (pbuh) said in that hadith was a mention of naming people after people who have gone past and those people might as well be your forefathers. In few Arabic countries they use Grand father�s name with grand son and that gives a chain like system.

However in day to day dealings people use word brother and sister even to this date. I have called many here brother in my posts. Now if someone would appear and see AB after few hundred years (if I am famous by then) people would say keyplus called Wiz, Waldo, Octavius and many more brother. When surely they were not brothers.

As to your clarification about porkie pie. I have no hesitation to say that I do know the difference between you and few others here as I have never seen you being rude (as yet).
So don�t worry I know what you mean.
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Yes, the point is that when 'brother' or 'sister' is used it only ever means a contemporaneous relationship (whether (usually) blood or metaphorical).

As for never having seen me be rude, you're clearly not trying hard enough.
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Wizard66.....No, I am not open to the notion I may be wrong....I'm not some young twit who has not done my homework. I have studied and researched and know in my own heart that what I believe is true just as you are sure there is no god I am positive there is one. I don't consider faith to be a virtue.
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wizard66....are YOU open to the fact that you may be wrong that there is not God?
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No brother and sister are also used as descendants. As described in my previous post.
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wizard66: I can appreciate your reply. We should agree to disagree on this matter, I suppose.

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