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Is a razor blade god's banana?

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flobadob | 11:52 Wed 24th Dec 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
6 Answers
There's a lot of talk about evolution but I'm wondering, if evolution is true then why do we still have to shave when more men than not would rather not sport a beard? Why has evolution not gotten rid of the need to shave?


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The inclusion of banana in the title makes me think of Ray Comfort's hilarious 'Atheists Worst Nightmare' video on YouTube.
flobadob, you make the common mistake of assuming that the evolutionary process has aims and intentions. It hasn't, but that belief is one of the most frequent held by folks who don't understand evolution.

If the necessary random mutations ocurred in a new strain of humans whereby the men grew no facial hair that strain would continue because there would be no reason for it to die out. But since it wouldn't have any greater survival value than the main strand, neither would it become so prolific as to take over the species completely.

There is no Head of Evolutionary Planning to say 'Men don't want facial hair any longer, so let's get rid of it."
You could say the same (more so) about women's legs, women who shave their legs are more likely to find a mate, are they not?
That said the simple answer is I suppose that evolution is not a follwer of fashion.
It's a conspiracy of razor manufacturers in cahoots with unscrupulous scientists working madly in dna laboratories to make sure undesirable genetic mutations are not able to take root. ;o)>
By the same token though, a horse has a small 'toe' about one inch above the hoof, which at one time was used as part of the foot. Obviously, as horses has evolved, the hoof itself is the main 'foot' of the horse and the small toe, just an appendege. This toe is becoming in the main, smaller and smaller and invariably one day will no longer appear, as it has no use. I have seen the odd foal nowadays born without one.
Men don't need facial hair as protection against the elements now, so surely the same principle can be applied?
Very possibly,Le Chat, but not in any way predictable. You make that same mistake of assuming that evolution has aims - that there is some sort of Organiser who is deciding what mutations shall take place in order to follow some desire or trend. 'Taint so.

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Is a razor blade god's banana?

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