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Theland1 | 10:24 Thu 02nd Apr 2009 | Religion & Spirituality
51 Answers
So, to save popping from one thread to the other, by special request from Mibs, let's continue on this one, where blurring is not only allowed but encouraged.
And no stars are given.


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Octavius - be patient and don't jump the queue!
A sign is coming in the next half hour - promise you!
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(continued)The aforementioned conditions are, to me, not isolated pieces of evidence, but it rather like looking down on to a large jigsaw puzzle, and all around I can see pieces forming that have the right shape to eventually come together perectly. They are not together yet, but they are forming and moving, and the eventual outcome is only a matter of time.
Take for example, the moves twards a one world government, and a one world religion?
The evidence of this happening is here, and now, but not yet.
Now, I said earlier that time is of the essence, and it is, so forgive me for leaving this post as it is, until I get your further responses.
By the way, Monk, thanks for the assurance that you don't actually believe I am a thicko.
My nerves are shattered waiting for Waldo to spring his trap!
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China Doll - stop fluttering those big gorgeous eyelashes and don your mortar board! This is not a Sanctuary you know!
And if you still have a fetish about fractals and the Mandelbrott Set, I bet you'll get a date on here!
Octavius tells us that Atheism is not procative just reactive

Same could be said for the Police don't you think?

Does that make the Police a "bad thing"?
Nope, law enforcement doesn�t imply reactive to me, they do a lot of work trying to prevent crime from happening throughout communities which is quite proactive.

I never said atheism was bad, just reactive.
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chakka35 - Regarding eyewitness accounts, I seem to recall that Hans Kung, R.C. priest and author of, "On Being A Christian," and lecturer at Tubingen University in Germany, dealt with this very subject.
Although I disagree wit him on some subjects, I respect his scholarship regarding the overall reliability of the gospel accounts, whether or not they were written by a guy named Mark or not.
However, I respectfully bow to any additional information that you have that negate Kungs claims, and would consider it carefully.
Got to go and find a sandal or a gourd for Occy!
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Atheism pro or reactive?
Bit of both I guess.
In my experience, mosts atheists never bother even thinking of their atheism, and then just a few, like to spread it like a gospel. That's what I think.
Sorry you missed the 'Checkmate', Theland: I had imagined it was obvious.
Nice try but I think you're stretching it.

I'd be surprised if 5% of the Police's time was spent on crime prevention.

So if the atheism being reactive wasn't mean't in a negative manner - what was your point in the observation?
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Waldo - Jesus said let your yes mean yes and your no mean no.
That's OK if you know somebody personally who would to the best of your knowledge, never tell a lie. But how to prove such in court, to complete strangers? Therefore Occys suggestion of a statement, along with the holy book covers all of the bases - don't you think?
Yes well Jesus also said

...there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.

And as far as I'm aware they're all dead and the kingdom of God has not come with or without power
I have absolutely no objection to Octavius' plan whatsoever (and, as far as I know, there's no suggestion that Christians should no longer swear on the Bible (if only there were a God I could be sent to hell for eternity for my impudent lying and entrapment, eh?)).

However, I seem to recall someone telling me that they didn't pick and choose, and yet Jeebus quite clearly forbids it. Even Christian commentaries regarding this prohibition are quite clear that it means, as it says, 'don't swear oaths'.

5:33 Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths:
5:34 But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:
5:35 Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
5:36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
5:37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

I'm still waiting for the shoes promised on the other page.
Theland, Wrong Naomi? To blame God for mass murder; or Replacement Theology?

Err? I think one of us has lost the thread (so to speak).
Question Author
Waldo - I take your point but it is a bit hair splitting isn't it?
How often in the vernacular do people take a quite unnecessary oath to add strength to their argument?
"May I drop dpwn dead if ......."
"On my mothers grave ........."
"On my little girls life ........."
"As true as I'm riding this bike ......."
"Cross my heart and hope to die ....."
There is, I suspect a big difference in taking such names in vain, (apart from the bike), and emphasising the seriousness of a testimony in a court of law.
I've not checked, but I'm sure the Christian sages will have an answer to this one.
My answer is for the moment, that if I knowingly and willingly err regarding this matter, than I have crossed a line and sinned. But whilst the jury is out on this matter, I can, with a clear conscience, swear an oath in a court of law without incurring the wrath of God.
If later on, somebody posts me link to sway me one way or the other, then in possession of that knowledge, I would in future be in he wrong, quite clearly for takng such an oath, or, alternatively, do so with a clear conscience.
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Erm .....what shoes were they China?
Only open toed sandals in this department.
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Jake - The Kingdom Of God did come. With power on the Day Of Pentecost.
The people Jesus spoke to received the power of the Holy Spirit, which is the beginning of the Kingdom Of God.
That is what He meant and that is what happened.
I think Octavius is suppling the shoes. I'm really not well enough to make a meaningful contribution to this thread and run the report that ensures all my patients leave here with their bits intact. Something has to give and today it's my sense of reason and rationality.
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Naomi - look back on this thread and see what a busy day I've had, so forgive me for being a little brain dead, as I try to return serve from Ace players, and I'm stood on my own on the baseline.
I thought Clanad would have come and played doubles, but I think he's still fretting about the Obamas and clearing away the Kentucky fried chicken wrappers from their room.
And all you've had to do all day is serve cheese pie and mash to gangs of schoolkids. I admire you for holding the job down though.
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China - If you're accepting shoes from Occy, then I gather that he is a Mandelbrott freak like you, and together your fractalerious relationship knows no bounds.

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