Steve - are you being funny? Sarah posted the same question in crosswords which might just suggest it is a crossword clue! If you do not know the answer, why are you answering Naomi as if you do?
Of course it does Naomi! The answer required by Sarah is not necessarily the answer that Steve has given - hence my question to him. An act is a short prayer, as confirmed by Wizlon50 and unless Steve knows the answer from this crossword, he has no right to answer you as though he does know it.
Pathetic tart? You are the one who is pathetic Steve5! - you cannot even read, let respond in a courteous manner! I did not say you came by the answer from the crossword section!
I did say that you answered Naomi as though you knew the answer to Sarah's question (this is clear from the way you put 'Ankou had already posted the answer') and I asked how. You do not know you have the right answer, so stop pretending you do!
Catron, Steve was talking to me when he gave his answer, and if I have no objection to what he said, I don't see why it should bother you. This is just silly.