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Words fail me

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sherminator | 10:21 Fri 08th Jan 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
44 Answers

Why are people so retarded?
Why is using the word allah or mohammed such a crime?
And if it IS such a crime surely Allan would turn them all to pigs or something like he used to do when people crossed him? Or enact some other punishment that would fit the crime?


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I'm still waiting for Ankou to answer Naomi's question. I've seen a lot of hatred on AB (in the New section, mainly), but no particular hatred of religion per se. There's a few on here who clearly dislike it, and many (like me) who find it quaintly amusing, but definitely no hatred that I'm aware of.
Malaysia's a tinderbox of racial tension, it is a throwback to it's colonial past and subsequent freedom (or merdeeka as they call it), Malaya (if memory serves) was not one big country but a series of principalities answerable to the Viceroy. After the war the British government decided to unify the state and take away the powers of the various Rajas, to this they objected and asked us to leave full stop, which we did after defeating the Communist insurgency (whilst pioneering the use of helicopters in combat).
There were ethnic riots in Malaysia about 10 years ago were the Chinese were targetted due to their greater wealth, I feel this has more to do with that.
Tibet was a Buddhist theocracy for many years and was a truly horrible place to live for peasant majority.
Ankou, are you going to explain/justify your accusation, or are you the sort of intellectual coward who, having shouted his views, then runs away with his hands over his ears?
You have two honourable courses: justify or apologise
apologise to who chuckie ?

those to which it refers would not give a toodle squit for any apology from me.
and those to which it doesn't remain unaffected.
^ . . . sounds like a confession from the gallows . . . ^
Oh this is priceless! Clearly there was no answer to this in his usual google search and so it's taken Ankou three days to think of one of his own - and that turns out to be no answer at all, but simply more evidence that, yet again, he has failed to engage his brain before allowing his wayward mouth to run away with him. An intellectual coward, Chakka? Without doubt. A gutless wonder, no less. Honourable? Definitely not. He doesn't know the meaning of the word. He consistently makes a fool of himself, so maybe he enjoys it - but then again, perhaps his ego is so far removed from reality that he doesn't realise he's doing it. I plump for the latter. Silly ass!
thats not very nice noami.

i am not able to get on ab 24/7 like you.
An answer to her question might prompt an apology . . . or even an end to the name calling. But then, you might call me ♪ "a dreamer" ♫ . . . you wouldn't be the only one.
i am not in the habit of naimng names on answerbank, its very unbecoming.

i like that song, keep going.
Ankou, excuses, excuses. You are not able to get on AB 24/7, but you were able to get on the day after you made that appalling and unjustifable accusation. You just didn't have the guts to come back here and apologise.

It's far too late for you to worry about appearing to be 'becoming'. You can't name names because there are no names. Silly ass!
And if anyone wants evidence of your presence, it's here:

my god, are you stalking me. i don;t need to justify my time to you, but you'll note that even that post and the one above appear at the sporadic times my life allows.

'you didn't have the guts to come back here and apologise', i am here aren't i ?
Don't kid yourself. Yes, you're here, and you still haven't had the guts to apologise.
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Ankou you do need to justify it if you say you can't come on the site....and then DO come on the site! That makes you a liar! so now being a liar that makes reallly quite serious accusations of some of us on this site, I think you should answer Naomi's question!
sorry sherm, just back from a meeting that started at 11am and finsihed at 3.30. i really must apoligise that i have been back 20 minutes and not looked at your q.

now if you don;t mind, my attention is required elsewhere.
^^Arrogance in abundance, but not a hint of honour, dignity, or self-respect. Sad.
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Your scheduling conflicts doesn't mean you escape the fact that you're a liar ankou!
I don't think Ankou needs anyone to fight his corner but as he's getting some vicious abuse from two fronts I'd like to volunteer a voice of support.
Regarding the original statement, it doesn't seem that far of the mark to me. Only my perception I admit, but on the "Is there a God" type questions the No sayers seem very vocal and unbending. Not neccessarily evidence of hatred but if I was told there was no-one posting on R&S with a very strong adversity to religion I would be extremely sceptical.
Regarding the naming of names, hear, hear, there's enough mud slinging on AB as it is, why should we add to it.
Finally regarding the liar slur - I've read all the posts and can't see a lie. Ankou can't get on here 24/7, sometimes he may have 5 minutes to post a quick comment but not to spend time on a thought out response. He never stated he hadn't been on here. The last debate I was involved in on R&S I eventuall dipped out of because I didn't have the time to put together a well thought out reply.
I've assumed Ankou is male, apologies if this is incorrect. I now look forward to your ire.
Rev Sermon, had Ankou posted his appalling accusation in any other section of AB it would have been reported and removed, and possibly him with it. However, we in R&S generally recognise an idiotic and pot-stirring post when we see it, so you'll be getting no ire from me.
LOL "Moustaffa Ibrahim, Moustaffa Ibrahim, Allan Allan Allan will prayyy for youuu"
All praise the mighty one: Allan aqba, Allan aqba
(sorry, couldn't resist)

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