Television shows like Most Haunted are just that. Television shows.
Everton, it seems there isn't a pattern to be established. People have reported experiencing many different things. The ghost I spoke of looked like a person. There is no other way to describe it. It appeared as solid flesh and blood, its clothing was unremarkable, and apart from the fact that it appeared to be a person who shouldn't have been where she was, it wasn't extraordinary in any way. It didn't walk through the wall (at least if it did I didn't see it do it), it wasn't transparent, and it wasn't floating in the air wearing a bedsheet with holes cut out for it to see through.
If you believe ghosts exist, but haven't actually seen one, why do you dismiss the reports of people who have? Jesus himself is reported to have seen a ghost - in fact he held a conversation with one. Do you dismiss that report too?