I studied a particular religion for about 30 years and it took me that long to find some things that are hard to explain from the Bible. for example those who believe the bible as 100% truth will believe the account of the Flood but according to bible chronology the flood came in the year 2370 bc and Noah was 600 years old. in all that Time he only had 3 sons who each had a wife, according to the bible it took Noah and his Family 40 years to build the Ark and warn the people of the coming Flood. So With No contraception Noah Only had three sons and in at least 40 years (it could have been Hundreds) his sons and their wives had no children. Moving on, about 850 years later the Exodus out of Egypt took place. Take into account that the Israelites were in captivity for 400 years before the Exodus, So this means that just 450 years after the Flood there were Millions of people on the earth and the Egyptians were just one of the many nations. So In Conclusion Noah only Produced 3 children in 600 years his 3 Sons produced none before the Flood and yet within 450 years after the Flood There were millions on the earth. It Just Doesn't add up.