Question Author
Fascinating subject isn't it. The thing is though, one of the scientists in that programme said that no one - absolutely no one - understands quantum mechanics - and he actually said 'if they claim to, then they don't' - or words to that effect. My point in posting the question was really to ask whether anyone else thinks it possible that the so-called 'paranormal' experiences that people claim to have could be attributable to some of the theories described in that programme? For example it not only spoke of possible parallel universes, but of multiple universes, and of other worlds existing within inches of our own, as well as demonstrating particles of light behaving in a completely unexpected way, and in a manner that currently defies our understanding. You see, I do believe that people see 'ghosts' (for want of a better word), and I do believe people experienced things that they cannot explain, but I don't believe any of it is 'supernatural', so maybe this is where the answers lie. As the man said 'reality is very elusive'.