1. No, I dont pray. Havent since I was about errmm 5. I outgrew belief in God about the same time I stopped believing in Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy, or Unicorns.
2. No, since I dont pray.
If praying brings you comfort fine - its a free country.Periods of introspection or meditation is probably no bad thing.
What irritates me is when praying becomes part of public life - prayers before a political meeting, for instance. I get irritated is because a belief, and a mechanism of that belief, is being foisted on me.
Equally irritating is when you get patronising commentary to the effect that somehow those that pray experience something that those who dont pray do not - That somehow, praying confers a kind of moral or spiritual fulfillment, superiority or warmth that us poor,atheistic rationalists would never experience. That kind of view needs challenging and rebuttal.
Andyvons comment can be seen in this light - that "85% of the global population pray daily " - Now,you may be right that some polls have been extrapolated by believers to suggest that a significant majority of the global population believe in some kind of deity - but such polls can hardly be called authoritative - nor can you take from such a poll that all respondents who talked about believing in a deity are pious enough to bother praying at all.
And as for the patronising comment that the remaining % are "lacking comfort and warmth" - thats just patent rubbish. I sometimes think that those with this kind of view view atheists, rationalists as a kind of emotionally stunted Dr. Spock type character, which is absurd.