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Ebay Account Hacked.

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pussyfoot | 20:09 Sat 07th Nov 2020 | Spam & Scams
92 Answers
My ebay account has been hacked & I can't even open it to inform them, I found
a phone number but the automated message just says go to "" but I can't even do
that as every time I try the page comes up -gobbled -de-gook- I've no other way of telling them.
I went to my email account & it came up with the sign in page & I did with my usual password
without thinking. I've changed the password now, but I'm really worried about what could happen,
what do I do now? Please help me someone....Ange


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If Kids Guard is ticked/enables, turn it off, remember to ok any changes, then try ebay again.
00:14 Mon 09th Nov 2020
Do you use pay pal? I'd change that for a start. Also if you have a card saved on there I might think about blocking my card.
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I got a screen shot from ipad but don't know how to get it onto here, how do I attach an image?
Use TUVOK's link here to upload the image.
When you do that, it creates a link you can then copy and paste on here.
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I got it to upload but no idea what I do now.....
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Is this right
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Use that link and click on the blue box that says, "start uploading" find the Screenshot and select it.
That looks fine, can't see anything out the ordinary.
Is that what like it looks on your screen?
No gobldygook there.

Click on manage your account and look there for anything about hacked accounts - or use the link I supplied earlier.
I noticed it was, do you not use
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Methinks the user has somehow selected "basic HTML" on the ebay site.

This is sometimes an option if one has a slow Internet connection
That is the basic HTML code that loads first, followed by the full GUI.
Occasionally you'll see it happen on a slow site.
I'm sure someone knows how to switch it back. I don't use ebay.
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AZardoz, does that mean it's not been hacked into even though no matter what I do I can't get in. Right now I really don't care if I've got ebay or not......I just want to be able to contact them in case the accounts been used fraudulently. It's impossible for me to do anything "ebay" and I'm worried sick if I don't do something.
Can you view it on
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No I can't corbyloon it's just the same
Good that you posted the screenshot. That's probably the most important step to getting help. "A picture is worth a thousand words".

To the left of the big black arrow are two links marked Help & Account.
What happens if you click on Account ?
I'm completely lost!

What happens when you go here?

Do you see the page asking you to enter your username (or your email address) or do you see something different?

If you do see that page, what happens when you enter your username (or email address) and click 'Continue'? Can you then enter your password and, if so, what happens then?
I think you'll need to contact ebay using someone's 'phone or laptop for advice.

I doubt you've been hacked, it's just the way the eBay site is appearing. Check your bank account to reassure yourself no purchases have been made.

I know it's easy for me to say but try not to worry about it. I'm sure it will be able to be resolved.

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