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brian j john | 10:35 Thu 28th Apr 2022 | Spam & Scams
25 Answers
Spammers on Body and soul and adverts
Been reported


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Thanks Brian, the Mods are experienced at spotting most spammers quickly, and zapping them, and if something sits for a bit, rest assured one of us will see it eventually, and deal accordingly.
10:48 Thu 28th Apr 2022
Both removed.
Thanks Brian, the Mods are experienced at spotting most spammers quickly, and zapping them, and if something sits for a bit, rest assured one of us will see it eventually, and deal accordingly.
// the Mods are experienced at spotting most spammers quickly //

Nope. The spam on News today was up for over an hour.
Gromit - iIrepeat, the Mods spot Spammers quickly, but they have to be on line first!!

When I come on and see the newest posts, I can spot the standard Spammers selling Gummies instantly, and I check and zap them, I am sure my colleagues can equally quickly spot and zap them.

But if no Mods happen to be on site for an hour, then the spam will sit there for an hour.

We are Moderators, not miracle workers.

Your understanding is appreciated.
I don't know why people are so concerned about this, if they don't get zapped for a few hours so what? Just as long as they don't get answered.
I don't know if the Mods go trawling for spam but I often see them pop up in the latest posts and by the time I go to report it, put in the reason and try to send it, it's already been deleted by a Mod.

The fact that folk are posting multiple threads about there being spam shows the Mods must be rapidly deleting the vast majority of them.
// We are Moderators, not miracle workers.//
god you can say that again - human with all the usual foibles
but I am being ungracious

I think moderatorrs are thweet
do you mean you can sktheem and sktheem until you make yourself thwick?
The problem is if mods use their powers to censor ideas/views that they don’t agree with

Does this happen (she asks innocently)? ;-)
A Mod might not agree with a post but if it doesn't contravene the Site Rules, it shouldn't be deleted.

I have no idea how often that happens but it would result in the post being re-instated.
^Haha! Dream on.
Posts about Spam are nearly as tiresome as the spam.
As usual Naomi, when it comes to moderation, you know nothing except what your fervid imagination tells you.

Time to give your conspiracy theories a rest.
She has fixed opinions of the Mods and the EDs. Nothing they say will convince her otherwise.

She keeps saying folk know the rules yet as the same folk keep getting suspended or questioning deletions, they are either very forgetful, think they are special or seeking attention.
Are there many moderators on this site?
Corby, 'Naomi' not 'She'! As I was taught - 'she' is the cat's mother!
she is a very bright lay-dee and I have a lot of sympathy for her ( fac). anyway if we dont discuss Spam, we have to go back to depressing Ukraine, innit
are there any mods on this site
The pope was asked how many (priests) worked in the Vatican
and he answered - oh about half probably....

ter daaah !
I am left wondering if the m in front of any was intentionally left out in the quoted reply to my post?
Oops! :o)

Thanks pat.

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