Scam Phone Call. in The AnswerBank: Spam & Scams
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Scam Phone Call.

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melv16 | 10:53 Wed 09th Nov 2022 | Spam & Scams
4 Answers
Beware of this phone number. Tried to tell me about government help for heating bill. Told him to man up and get a proper job. Followed it up with my chicken impression...he hung up.
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Well done
The trouble with calling line identity is that it can be spoofed.
"Followed it up with my chicken impression..."

What, you crossed the road? :-)
I can't even block the robo-callers with my phone because they use fake phone numbers. My phone will only block a number, not a name. My phone service is very good at labeling them with caller name Scam Alert or the like. Most of the others have the names of local towns and cities. Occasionally, I do like to pick up and play with them. One time I picked up and said, "Sorry, I've got a pot boiling. Can I have your number to call you right back." He gave me a phone number, which I called back and got the "boiler room" operation. They caught on within a day or two. I only wish I had a prepared reverse "scam" to use when I'd gotten them back.

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Scam Phone Call.

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