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Nuisance Phone Calls

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MichaelZZ | 10:49 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Spam & Scams
13 Answers

Over the last few weeks i have received more than a dozen phone calls from a number beginning with the same 8 digits but ending with 3 different numbers.  I have blocked the individual numbers but I would like to find a way to block any and all calls from this erm, block. 

Is there a way that I can do this?  I have tried phoning the to request that my number is removed from their automated dialling system but it appears that they do not accept incoming calls.




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Landline or mobile?  My landline only rings if it is a number in my contacts or the caller announces who they are.  It's stopped all cold callers

Apple phone? Look for silence unknown callers in settings > phone. At least you will not be bothered by them before you remove them. 

My landline is almost guaranteed to be ringing for a scam call. I tend not to answer it, but occasionally I'm waiting for some company to call and have to take the risk.


Now I think of it that isn't that different to the mobile. But at least there's more chance of it being someone in my directory.

That's why I bought a Truecsll phone, OG.

Had it years and haven't answered a cold call once nor missed a legitimate call

I don't get many now, since I got rid of my landline when we went FTTP. I do miss playing along and wasting scammers time.

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Thank you all for your replies.  I should have mentioned that I am referring to landline calls.  I normally only answer calls from stored numbers but that doesn't stop calls from callers who display their numbers.

I am interested in Barry's comment that his landline only rings if the the caller is a number in his contacts (or if the caller announces who they are).  

Can you please advise how I can set up that arrangement?

Thanks again.

Michael, it is a feature of my BT Truecall phone (which works with any provider).  You can't set it on any phone.

I got woken up by a spam call a couple of months ago and I was very rude to the caller.   
My mistake - they call me in excess of 10 times every day. I diligently block all the numbers but they persist, generating new numbers each time. ☹️

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Thanks Barry.  I just knew there'd be a catch!

Who is your landline with?

Sky offer Sky Shield.  Other providers may offer a blocking facility.

Mine is built into the phone.  You can get an adapter.

Might be cheaper to get a phone with it built in, if its not available from your provider.

Gromit turn it off when you go to bed, that's what I do.  I have it on my bedside table and switch it on as soon as I wake up the next morning.


I always have my phone on 'Do Not Disturb' at night.


Do what I do, don't speak to them but don't hang up and let them talk to  themselves.  this reduced my nuisance calls from 1 a day to about 1 every couple of months.

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