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Daij | 14:00 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | Spam & Scams
5 Answers


Today I rec'd and email from someone I worked with 30 years ago and have seen since. It read, 

'Hi, I hope this find you well, do you order from do you order from amazon or john lewis? Thank you'

I did not reply. Then, I just rec'd another reading,

'Hi I couldn't tell if you received my last message or not? Please let me know if this message comes through Thank you'





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Was that all that was said in the message?  There was no small talk or indication of why they wanted to know what they asked.

If so - it is most probably a scam.

I got something similar a few weeks ago but didn't know the person. I assumed it was a scam and deleted it 

Didn't address you by name?

It's a phishing e mail. 

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and if you hover over the email address the sender may be your mate's name plus a totally different end bit showings its from an edu. address in USA or Russia or Romania etc

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