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Pig Butchering Scams

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Hymie | 22:22 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Spam & Scams
16 Answers

Here’s a youtube video well worth watching if you want to avoid falling for a pig butchering scam.




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Surely you don't find this form of presentation and fake hilarity funny?


I tried watching it, but gave up after a few minutes. Painful.

He cannot stop waving his hands about. Very irritating.

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Well, don’t come crying on here to report that you’ve lost all your money to some pig butchering scam, if you didn’t watch the video.

Is that your mate Phil?

Oh yes,  I know what sort of scams these are. I just think that manic form of 'comedy' is likely to be turned off within 30 seconds by most people. It's far better to give the advice to be careful in a more measured way as Money Box or Martin Lewis would do or like this


It's a form of grooming for money for fake investments rather than sex.

Anyone who watches Coronation St is seeing an example of it playing out currently.




"I just think that manic form of 'comedy' is likely to be turned off within 30 seconds by most people."

Aye nobody's watching:

I don't bother with YouTube explainers.  Usually I'm with other people and don't want to disturb them and I don't trust the source.  So many deep fakes pretending to be experts. 

Give me a reliable link that I can read in peace or explain the contents of the video and the source.

you've gotta be some kind of plonker to fall for that game!

not surprised hymie raised this, the EUSSR is a very good example of such a scam.

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If you watch the video, included in those who fell for this scam was the CEO of a small American bank, scammed out of US$50 million, causing the bank to go under.


Some of these scams are very sophisticated, with those falling for the scam investing their money on what appears to be a legit investment site, with their own control of the account – only when they try to withdraw money do they realise they have been scammed, in many instances of 100s of thousands of dollars.

11:03 again, sounds like the EUSSR.

Hymie has posted this in the correct section to warn folks about the variety of scams doing the rounds aimed at separating the credulous from their cash.

However, I am not sure that a video of comedian John Oliver is any sort of way to do it.

I had an hilarious email the other day saying they had tracked my use of illicit/illegal websites & they had pornographic pictures of me at my keyboard & in my (luxury!) bathroom. If I didn't pay £1000 to their cyber account they would release it to the world. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

"comedian John Oliver" has exposed more than a few sharp and shady schemes on his programme over the years, Jack.

He and his team investigate and report on various issues, mainly of interest to his American audience with a mixture of humour, outrage and contempt. They're not shackled by a lack of funding and the oversight of those protecting what used to be known as 'the establishment'.

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