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Barca v Chelsea

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bibblebub | 20:23 Tue 24th Apr 2012 | Football
52 Answers
oo er


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He probably does.
21:06 Tue 24th Apr 2012
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Barca 1-0 and now Terry sent off.

oh dear
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2-0 and now, suddenly, it's 2-1

cor blimey
All well and good but what.s happening on Corra ?
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probably the same tss that's in every episode
I can't watch....
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neither can i, which is why i'm listening to the radio commentary
I've just had a bet on Chelsea to win, 100/1
with Skybet

Stranger things have happened!
Its on TV I am doing anything rather than sit in front of the screen
Terry demonstrating that great intelligence he always shows!
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blooming heck! Messi misses a penalty!!
Lionel made a messi of that penalty kick.
Best game I've seen for ages
That was a sir.prize sir.prize
What sort of idiot is John Terry ?
not only for the foul but his denial of committing it .....he must think everyone is stupid.
He probably does.
What was it he said?....."I put weight on my foot and the other leg came up and caught him"
Poor OH is sitting here on the edge of his seat, roaring at the TV. I had to get the priest to sign his passport stuff this morning incase Chelsea get in the final. I'm going upstairs, the humour in this room is not good.
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15 minutes left. can they hang on??????
Chelsea have just gone to favourites to make the final....

offside lol
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the woodwork comes to the rescue...

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Barca v Chelsea

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