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So John Terry's gone

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Ric.ror | 22:02 Sun 23rd Sep 2012 | Football
23 Answers
Good riddance I say
The mans a joke . Never fit to wear the captains armband


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"John Terry has retired from international football... To spend more time with your wife ;) .... "
22:34 Sun 23rd Sep 2012
mightyWBA, just because the court couldn't prove he called Anton Ferdinand a FBC, do you honestly believe he never called him that?

Anyone who follows football knows that Terry's excuse of "I was only repeating what he accused me of saying" is a load of ***.

Yes he's a great player and a great captain but he's also a fecking idiot who should've known better than to mug people off with that pathetic excuse.

He should've held his hands up and admitted he said it in the heat of the moment rather than let it go to court and have his mate Ashley give a glowing character reference
Elvis, to be honest the whole saga bores me.
If a grown man can't take somebody saying a naughty word and an adjective at him..which he didn't even hear apparently..then i despair.
Does it really matter?
There are worse things happening in the world every day.
Not commenting on this thread anymore..I've said what I want to say.
Toodle pip and have a nice day :-)
I don't much like John Terry, nor do I support Chelski or En-gur-land, but if a court finds you not guilty then I think it is worrying that people can be "re-tried", no matter what the charge.

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