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Andy Murray And Me?

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Jordyboy9 | 18:54 Wed 01st Jul 2015 | History
14 Answers
He was joking when he said he supports anyone playing ENGLAND in the football, I say c,mon JAPAN,and i am not joking


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did you post this in history because it's passé? xx
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Murray wasn't joking either, Jordyboy. He meant every word he said but his PR team got him to issue the apology because they knew he would be booed right out of SW19, that year and every subsequent year. COME ON THE LIONESSES! 2-1 will do (16/1)
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But not the players, eh jordy?
Alf Ramsey was born in Dagenham, Jordy. Oh yeah, and Sean Dyche was brn in Kettering:-)
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He wasn't joking.
Andy Murray was joking. Why do people keep bringing this up even ten years later?
Come on England. I hate football usually, but I'm rooting for the lionesses.
I hate football so much that I support anyone playing England in the hope that if England keep on losing everyone will lose interest and the whole nasty lot will dwindle away.
Andy was joking. He lives in England, married an English girl, and he supports arsenal.
Nae chance jourdain2, they're still talking about 1966!
:o) maggiebee (I keep my fingers crossed).

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